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Topic:Is this ebay ad a well manufactured fraud?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
idiveThere is a 97 prowler for sale on ebay. It looks legit, but something strikes me odd... production dates and vin numbers vs the production dates and vin numbers on my 97...
I don't want to post my VIN#, but MY VIN# comes AFTER the VIN# on THIS car, yet MY car was built BEFORE this car was built.
Mine was built in August 97 MDH 082714
This VIN# is 300957 and was built in September 97 MDH 090812 per this pic on the ad: http://carad.ebayimg.com/i10/01/a/06/97/f7/c2_4.JPG
How can this be that mine was built first but has a later vin#??? Could this actually be a well manufactured fraudulent ad?? Something swapped?
Also, I thought the 97 trailers had a darker carpet?
Here is the ebay ad:
Kevin AIf the auction is a fraud, they did a poor job because they left their address, phone #, email, an ebay ID that matches the name of a legitimate car dealership, etc...

Bottom line is the auction is 100% legit. Maybe there is something we don't know about the sequencing of the VINs and associated numbers.

Dave MillsThis car is in my area, about 2 hours away. I have met John Howard, but I don't know him personally. He is a collector and has been selling for many years. I doubt there is anything fradulent here.
1buddycMickey, it could be that his car was starting to be built before yours with VIN number assigned and for some reason, maybe a defective part or some problem, was pulled from the assembly line. Here comes yours behind his in production, but there are no problems with yours and it moves steadily along in the assembly process, passing his stage of assembly. His car then gets inserted back onto the assembly line behind yours and eventually is completed.... Therefore, VIN number assigned before yours and assembly completed after yours.
YellowFeverIf a fraud, someone went to an incredible length. It's probably legit.

Easiest way to tell, ask them if O.K. for a mechanic to look at it in their area. If they hesitate or say no, there you go........

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