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Topic:Interesting observation concerning low-tire light
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
vipercatMy Cat has been in Winter storage but I start it every 3-4 weeks and run it up to operating temperature and only move it a few feet in and out of the garage. After a few of these cycles, the low-tire warning light came on. Checked tires - pressure normal. Took the car out on the road (we have actually had a few days of decent weather) and the light went off. It would appear that if you start the car repeatedly and never get the car up to the minimum speed for the low-tire warning system, it will eventually set a warning code.
It is going to snow again this weekend, Grrr!!!. Oh well, back in storage until the salt gets washed off the roads again.


vipercat (Y2k Silver Cat)

halicatMy lights came on for a while, on and off, and now that i warm it up before driving for 5 minutes.... they stay out. otherwise I was going to tape the light and keep an eye on the handling. good luck
ETMIDZTYep...........same here! Will stop after driving for a while!! Got get that Old air moving around & warmed up!
Dave MillsI taped my warning light out 4 years ago and I just don't worry about it anymore.
butchceeI thought my low pressure system was broken last year and then discovered a slow leak because of a picked up nail.
Originally posted by vipercat:
It would appear that if you start the car repeatedly and never get the car up to the minimum speed for the low-tire warning system, it will eventually set a warning code.

That's consistent with the description of operation in the Shop Manual.


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