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Topic:Insurance Advice Needed
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Dead End DonI've got a restored 1974 Nova 350 SS hatchback that I use as my daily driver, probably around 6K miles/yr.

My insurance right now is with Auto Club, but they will not do an agreed valuation policy. The car as it sits is not a show car, maybe has a value in the mid- to high teens, but they won't cover colision, etc., at all on a car that old, appraisal or not.

I talked to Haggerty, but they will only insure trailer queens that are not used other than at car shows, etc.

I don't mind paying the premium for an agreed-value policy, but I need the company to cover the car as a daily driver without mileage/car show use restrictions.

Any suggestions??? Now that it is all nice and shiny, I know it's going to be an accident magnet....

Happy New Years to all at POA, too....

catfishbarrett-jackson .com there ins.great price and all they do is insure collector,classic and antique cars,try em.many on this site have switched.


1buddycBarrett-Jackson has a stipulation on their Stated Value Policies that the vehicle cant be a Daily Driver..
idiveI doubt you will find any agreed value policy for a daily driver. The concept for (low premiums with) agreed value is that since it is driven less, it's less likely to get damaged. I don't know much about them or how they work but I've heard of some looking into what they call an umbrella policy. As I understand it, they are to cover damages beyond your normal policy limits.

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