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Topic:Increased door opening - easy & inexpensive
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
carguybillI purchased a pair of door check strap spacers from prowler-parts.com and was impressed how easy they were to install. My old (74) arthritic needs were giving me a bit of a time getting in and out of my prowler but the spacers allowed the door to open another full 4" or more making getting in and out MUCH easier. The cost was only $9.95 included postage.


catfishif you cut 3/16 inch off dr hinge stops you will get another 4 inches.


This message has been edited by catfish on 05-15-2011 at 08:05 PM

fibertopI did the check spacer mod using washers and I got the 4". This is more than adequate for me and personally would not butcher the hinges. I think you will find the 4" is enough.
catfishif your tall 4 inches is not enough.it does no damage to the hinges.the dr is like a pedulum,you may get 4 at the rr,but alot less at the frt of the door maybe 2.that extra 4 inches means alot at the frt of the dr where if your tall your feet always hit the frt of the dr.


fibertopI used to be 6' but I think I have shrunk to 5'10" from old age spinal degeneration. So i'm ok with the 4"
padrooI need to look into doing something, I am big and clumsy and my wife laughs at me getting out of the car. She says I look like I am in pain! I might start leaving her at home!
JeraneWI widened my door openers, now I am getting wider, Elbow on the door frame sure makes it easier.
Ken & Roslin RomainWe have been doing the extended door opening for our SoCal members for FREE at our Tech Days for the last couple of years.
If you live in California, and would like to extend your door openings, let us know and we'll have parts ready for our next Tech Day.

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