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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Immigration reform
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
heynow14Let's see how many Repugs step up and help Obama pass immigration reform.....


idiveI'm betting they all will as long as its immigration reform instead of amnesty.
heynow14Why not? They supported it under Reagan in 86? In fact that bill was proposed with bi-partisan support.


This message has been edited by heynow14 on 07-02-2010 at 04:48 AM

Originally posted by heynow14:
Let's see how many Repugs step up and help Obama pass immigration reform.....

Who are you kidding? Last time this issue came up, Washington DC phone lines were flooded with anti-immigration reform callers. Both party members got the message from the majority > REFORM ISN'T NEEDED, NOR IS AMNESTY!

We already have immigration laws on the books. ENFORCE the present laws! Come in legally or don't come in at all!

You radical, left wing DumboRat supporters,, the minority on this issue,,,don't seem to get it.

BeWareThe fact of the matter is we have a Democrat for President and the Dems have majority in both the Congress and Senate. If they were serious about passing this legislation which by the way his speech was short on details than they could do it today. Blaming the Republicans is just another political ploy. Enforce the current laws and secure the borders first then you can talk about immigration reform. Which by the way is just amnesty to my way on thinking and apparently the majority of Americans. In fact its an insult and a slap in the face to those who expended the time and energy to become legal citizens.
ALLEY CATBHO can't even shore up and stop the flow of illegals into this country, along our southern border,,,,,,,,,how in the world can he ever win a war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, etc.???

His own party members are running away from supporting this issue..... He is only interested in getting the Latino vote in the upcoming elections,,nothing else!

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
BHO can't even shore up and stop the flow of illegals into this country, along our southern border,,,,,,,,,how in the world can he ever win a war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, etc.???

His own party members are running away from supporting this issue..... He is only interested in getting the Latino vote in the upcoming elections,,nothing else!

Yes, That was the sole purpose of his speech yesterday. I can pretty much guarantee that no immigration bill will be proposed this year especially before November. The moderate Democrats won't support it fearing the upcoming elections. Why? Because the majority of Americans are against it. And apparently there are Latinos that think his speech was just more rhetoric also. See below

A organization of Hispanic conservatives criticized the speech as a "sheer political move" to keep them on board for the November elections. Obama was elected with strong backing from Hispanics and they could tip the balance in several tight races this year.

"President Obama is operating under the false assumption that Latinos are natural-born Democrats who will rally behind his policies in lockstep," said Alfonso Aguilar, executive director of the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles. "Latinos must not let themselves be deceived by the soaring rhetoric that has replaced meaningful action on immigration."

This message has been edited by BeWare on 07-02-2010 at 02:30 PM

Marty UsherSecure the borders first, enforce the laws on the books now.

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