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Topic:Imitation - the greatest flattery.
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Rpowell593I see lots of people that get bored with stock and play with colors, etc. If I were to ever do that (would have to be on a 2nd prowler - my first will always be my candy) - I would imitate Mike's HV Blue with that white leather interior. That is just beautiful. Has anyone ever considered doing this, or would it be an insult to how much he paid for his and it being the last one ever built?
BeWareI am pretty sure I am correct on this. The interior is actually taupe not white.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 11-08-2004 at 10:13 PM

Rpowell593Could be, I've only seen the photos. Know lots of people here have seen it in person. So am I the only person that thought that would make a nice color scheme to dupe?
CJI suppose that anyone has the right to do whatever they want. However, in deference to the historical/collector's value of the High Voltage Blue, I think that it should stay the only one..........However, Mike did make the decision to paint one of his race Prowlers the same color.

When DC chose the HVB for the last car, the paint mix was done as a one of a kind, the paint mixture not being given out. I don't think anyone has been able to duplicate it and it should probably be that way.

Rpowell593Thanks CJ.

That's basically the question I was asking. Making sure it was more of a respect thing. Cause otherwise, I think it's a beautiful color combo.

CJThere are a lot of shades of blue that could be used.... just doesn't have to be an exact match to the HVB.

CJ - The One and Only
1999 Black - PPROWLR 2002 Deep Candy Red - CJPROWLN

Classic/Beautiful - I'm referring to the Cat of course!

OrangeI want to see that race car he painted HV Blue! Who has pics?

By the way, don't even think of doing a candy lime green.



That's the "World's Fastest Prowler" if I'm not mistaken. I have seen pics of it before but I thought it was a mulholland blue...???

OrangeThis does not look like HV Blue:

ed monahanIt was overcast that day so the car color in the pic. is not a true representation. It is not a Mulholland.
idiveOrange - your pics are of it when it was a mulholland blue. CJ's pic is the revised Prowler.
Mike KrehelIdive is correct that the Stroker was previously a Mulholland that was painted with HV Blue.

CJ is also correct that the color is near impossible to duplicate. Believe me we took a piece of the original HV Blue car to several paint shops and couldn't duplicate the color. The original HV Blue color changes with different angles and different kinds of light. The paint is a one of a kind and since I owned the Auction car, I was fortunate enough to get paint from Chrylser (Thanks Bob!) for the Stroker.

Here are some pictures of the HV Blue Stroker outside in the sun. The seats and interior panels have also been died taupe to match the Auction car. Every interior detail is the same down to the taupe stitching on the shifter knob (thanks Don!).

Mike Krehel

thedqman Very Nice Mike.

Its good to be the KING!

Jim CThe color that is on the PT Cruiser sure looks awfully close to the High voltage Blue. Didn't they pretty much copy most all of the colors on the PT?
GenoTexHaven't seen a yellow PT (yet) but I know I remember purple and inca gold PTs.
CJThe PT blue and the HVB are not even close in color.
Originally posted by GenoTex:
Haven't seen a yellow PT (yet) but I know I remember purple and inca gold PTs.

The PT Purple is not even close to Prowler purple. The PT Gold called Aztec Gold is close to Prowler inca Gold but still not an exact match.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 11-09-2004 at 05:54 PM

Nasty CatVery cool Mike

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