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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:If I hate Islam I'm not a racist....
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Me TimeIf I hate Islam I'm not a racist, because Islam is not a race, it is an idology. You can be Muslim and be any color or background.

Now the guy in the clip is a bit over the top but to get arrested for telling the truth, is that Canada?

mslc10 not a racist ,just hate em all!
.now where are they gonna take the conversation?! You just won the argument !!!


Freedom has a nice ring to it......and a bit of recoil.

This message has been edited by mslc10 on 11-16-2015 at 08:22 PM

Me TimeThe US has been at peace with Japan for 70 years and counting.

Let's make peace with the Mid East, what do you say?

mslc10Ahhhhh you read my other post! Good man!


Freedom has a nice ring to it......and a bit of recoil.

beachcatwhat is it that these crazies want. Surely they don't hope to kill all infidels, 150 at a time. What are their goals? Do they have any demands? What would make them stop the terror?
StingRayAn atomic bomb dropped on their towel wrapped heads will be a good start at encouraging them to stop their terroristic ways!!

#TrumpTrain #MakeAmericaGreatAgaian


beachcatInteresting perspective,,,,divide and conquer
Originally posted by beachcat:
what is it that these crazies want. Surely they don't hope to kill all infidels, 150 at a time. What are their goals? Do they have any demands? What would make them stop the terror?

I take them at their word , "death to infidel, death to America ".
What will make them stop? How do you change a mind that twisted? Can it be done? Dunno a peacful snswer to that , beach I really don't . And I don't think THEY even have thought of that! It's not Israel that has their turbine in a wad, they were pissy way before Israel was even a state.
Just a thought here: maybe they are pissy cuz obuma won't acknowledge them for who/what they are.... Keeps calling them JV won't call them what they want to be called ... Islamic terrorists! They are mental 5 yr olds throwing a fit on the grocery store floor wanting attention.

RPLThey're already winning. We've done it for them. The National Debt has tripled since 9-11. Getting on an airplane is a pain in the behind. Terrorist attacks in the US are workplace violence or Geo Bush's fault. We can't even admit who the enemy is. The French don't seem to have this problem. Within two days they took it right back to them.
ed monahanI think Obama should draw a line in the sand. That worked great the last time he did it. lol
Me TimeIf these ass hats had made some real demands maybe some talks could take place. They seem to want complete control, that will never happen as long as I'm alive.

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