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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:IBM, Time Warner push former employees off health care plans
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BeWareAs an IBM retiree this directly effects me. So if I like my current health insurance I could keep it under Obamacare. More TOTAL BS from this Pathological Liar named Barrack Obama.

You think I have been vocal against this President up till now. You ain't seen nothing yet.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 09-09-2013 at 04:02 PM

ALLEY CAT"You think I have been vocal against this President up till now. You ain't seen nothing yet."

RPLRich, you need all of your friends that have had enough.
Michael PondIt's just the beginning!! Why do you think the Unions are coming out against Obama care. Just wait till the AFLCIO gets theirs and the retiring union people feel the crunch.
bjprowlerHow do you get people who have never paid for, or were concerned about their health care in the past to vote for a Republican?

How do you get people who currently pay no mortgage or rent payments and live rent free to vote Republican?

How do you get people who get free groceries to vote Republican?

How do you get people who pay no gas or electric bills to vote Republican?

How do you get people who have no job (and don't really want one) to vote Republican?

How do you get people who get free cell phones to vote Republican?

How do you get people who could care less about the stock market and having fully funded retirement accounts to vote Republican?

How do you get people who pay NO taxes to care about LOWERING tax rates to vote Republican?

These are the 46% that Romney was referring to when he said that he could not worry about trying to get their votes/support.....A Republican candidate who tries to win these people's support is just fooling himself....Ain't gonna happen...

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 09-09-2013 at 07:13 PM

Michael Pond
Originally posted by bjprowler:
How do you get people who have never paid for, or were concerned about their health care in the past to vote for a Republican?

How do you get people who currently pay no mortgage or rent payments and live rent free to vote Republican?

How do you get people who get free groceries to vote Republican?

How do you get people who pay no gas or electric bills to vote Republican?

How do you get people who have no job (and don't really want one) to vote Republican?

How do you get people who get free cell phones to vote Republican?

How do you get people who could care less about the stock market and having fully funded retirement accounts to vote Republican?

How do you get people who pay NO taxes to care about LOWERING tax rates to vote Republican?

These are the 46% that Romney was referring to when he said [B]that he could not worry about trying to get their votes/support.....A Republican candidate who tries to win these people's support is just fooling himself....Ain't gonna happen... [/B]

Sad but true!! Until the government is bankrupt, like Greece and Spain, the people getting FREE STUFF are not going to change. Just protest when the free ride ends!!

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