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Topic:I used to like TV!!!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ETI used to come home every night and watch TV. Since discovering POA I rush home to see what you guys have to say. Is there something wrong with me???

Caught the fever......

GRROWLSo why aren't you in the chat session - NOW!


ETHow can you be in the session and see this at the same time?????
Originally posted by ET:
How can you be in the session and see this at the same time?????

Open up two browsers, minimize one, switch back and forth.


ETOH, Multi Tasking......
CTProwlerET--Your not alone---I work out of my home office. I drive 4 miles to job site come home get on the computer check POA, ebay etc several times daily. I keep an eye on classified section because stuff goes very fast on here. The colder it is outside the more i'm on.


Black Tie 161I need to stop in the chat room one of these days...especially the great gang that goes there on Wed. But when I get home, the last thing I want to do is look at a computer....my neck is killing me by then.

Anyone up for a weekday chat session? I'm at my %$#@! computer all day long. LOL.

DR PROWLERDon't we all suffer from the same fever...
Originally posted by Black Tie 161:
I need to stop in the chat room one of these days...especially the great gang that goes there on Wed. But when I get home, the last thing I want to do is look at a computer....my neck is killing me by then.

Anyone up for a weekday chat session? I'm at my %$#@! computer all day long. LOL.

Always up for a chat anytime - don't watch tv as much either - but remember i am from canada - freezing up here --20 already - my kat is in storage till March or April
I would also love to chat with everyone on Wed - but I take my golden retreiver for lessons that day - christina

This message has been edited by christina on 12-04-2003 at 10:39 AM

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