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Topic:I saw my first orange kat!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
InTheRedI was driving just west of Kings Mountain North Carolina on Friday when I see a car sitting on the other side of the highway with its lights off. It looks like a Prowler! I slowed down to take a look and sure enough its an orange Prowler.. and there is a guy waving at me from the drivers side. I passed him and thought maybe he had car problems. I got off at the next exit several miles up and zipped back down the highway. Turns out the guy had only had the car for two weeks and didn't realize how small the gas tank was. I stayed with him on the side of the road till his father inlaw showed up with a gas can.

I just got a new camera and happened to have it in the car.. not the best picture..

This is the first orange Prowler I have seen in person.. WOW what a cool color! I think I know what color I will get if I ever get another Kat. The guy had never seen a red one so he looked just as pleased to see the red as I was to see the orange. haha..

I told him about this site and strongly suggested he come visit. The guys name is Mark.. hey Mark if your reading this let me know how my Kat sounded with those Borla's when I pulled off? Loud? haha..

rraitethat was cool you turned around to help him!!
POA members are the best! I hope he joins us!
hows that window regulator holding up?
take care
Originally posted by meandmykitty:

I agree!

Originally posted by rraite:
that was cool you turned around to help him!!
POA members are the best! I hope he joins us!
hows that window regulator holding up?
take care

Regulator is still working perfectly. haha.. amazing isn't it?

I would not have turned around had it not been another Prowler. If I had been in that guys situation I think I would have been very please to see another Prowler come to make sure everything was ok. I know that traffic had to have been surprised to see two Prowlers in the middle of nowhere.

Hey Richard I still need to take pictures of the lights.. the new camera digital camera I got does video so maybe I will be able to get a short video of the neons and the strobes all running. I really haven't forgotten - life has just been a little crazy.
pumpkinIt was very nice for you to help him out. An orange prowler, wow. Even in the dark it looks great.
Steve TAlways fun to meet a fellow Prowler owner. I sure he appreciated you staying with him until help arrived.

If you liked the Orange at night, wait until you see it in the daylight

Originally posted by Steve T:
If you liked the Orange at night, wait until you see it in the daylight

Yep...looks totally different!

ed monahanI heard the ORANGE break down much more frequently than the RED. lol
pumpkinI just spoke with Pumpkin, and this was just a rumor.
SERIBEd, It's just the doppler effect... Orange prowlers go so fast they look like they're standing still.
Thanks for posting a brighter picture CJ! The drive on my desktop went bad and I'm finding I don't have alot of things installed on the laptop - like graphics software. haha

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