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Topic:I met xpguy...
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Marty UsherThanks for dinner and the cruise. I can see that cruising the PCH would be a high priority if I ever visit California in my Prowler.

The twins are getting big very quickly and I can see that Logan will be a future "car guy" for sure.


You truly impressed my family with your southern charm and accent. We gladly open our home to all friends and family that come visit our fair corner of the country. It was an honor to cruise the PCH with you and show off our neighborhood. We look forward to your return in September and will have to plan a gathering for the rest of our group to get the pleasure of meeting a legend.

Of course since you mentioned the twins and Logan, I have to take this opportunity to post a couple more pictures of them. Christine and I are so very proud of all three and marvel at their progress!

From America's Finest City,
Thank you

Bob MillerGreat looking kids and they look happy too!
Marty UsherBob - Logan never quit smiling for the three or so hours I was there AND he was either in a car or had one in his hand!

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