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Forum:General Prowler Discussion
Topic:I had the Kat out the other day and.....
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
AlexSomeone asked me... "Why DC did not put a V8 in that beautiful car"? I know it was built out of "available parts", but does anyone know the real story why the designers didn't widen and lengthen the engine compartment only slightly so it would have been able to accomodate one of DC's available V8's?


KatAddictSince the Prowler is "Perfect" in every other way, they had to leave something to be desired
CJQuoting from the Plymouth Prowler "history" book, Anatomy of a New American Roadster.........

Chrysler Vice President of Design Thomas Gale explained the reasoning behind the engine and transmission selection:

We looked at a traditional V-8 engine and transmission package as well, using components from the truck side of the business. But the longer-block engine intruded too much into the passenger compartment, and solving that problem meant lengthening the wheelbase, and we didn't want that either. The combination of the V-6 up front and the transaxle out back was, in the end, the optimum layout. Even more, this package is innovative in a Nineties way, in the same way as the Prowler itself is innovative while also being retro.

YellowFeverIsn't someone putting a new Hemi V8 into one without any/much change to the car frame or body??????

My guess would be for pricing considerations.

AlexThanks CJ, I knew you would have the answer!


Todd CameronI had understood that "in part" our V 6 has less weight and more power then a V 8 DC had avaliable at the same time.

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