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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:I asked three different families to go to church with me tonight..
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bjprowler....All three were just "too busy" getting ready for Christmas...
TLRandallBut it's great that you asked, and maybe it may cause them to at least think about the question later.

Great thought, maybe everyone should ask that same thing.

Originally posted by bjprowler:
....All three were just "too busy" getting ready for Christmas...

Just keep asking!

I would go with you BJ but you're just a little too far.

I went to the 7:00 P.M. mass last Saturday night with a friend of mine I've known since first grade. To me...there is no greater Christmas present that I could receive.

Being next to my best friend in the house of the Lord...AWESOME!!!


Blue TieI went to 7:30 Mass tonight. Just returned home.

This message has been edited by Blue Tie on 12-19-2007 at 08:09 PM

ScottyBrian is right "Just Keep Asking"
Tytanium-KNot everyone feels a NEED to attend services...I haven't been 'IN' a church for over 25-years yet I talk to The Creator daily....and we have a comfortable relationship!

So, don't feel sad no one accompanied you--it just may NOT be their bag! 'Organized Religion' isn't for everybody AND it doesn't mean they're bad people! Look at the other side O' the coin!

Originally posted by Tytanium-K:
'Organized Religion' isn't for everybody AND it doesn't mean they're bad people! Look at the other side O' the coin!

I don't think BJ meant it that way TY.

I completely understand where he's coming from. Such a great feeling having family and friends next to you in church. No matter what denomination you are.

bjprowlerI guess the point I was trying to make was how so many people get wrapped up in the parties, shopping and planning that they completely lose sight of the only real purpose for the holiday;....the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ....My sadness was for them, not me.....

I attended tonight by myself but was joined by about 1,100 others who came to watch over 90 children present their annual Christmas pageant....It was beautiful and heart warming and really helped put me (and many others) in the true "Christmas spirit"....something you won't get while you're out shopping...

As usual, I had a great time and wonderful fellowship at this most joyous time of year...I'm not trying to preach....I just wanted to relay my experience and provide a little "food for thought"......

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 12-19-2007 at 11:50 PM

TLRandallI agree, I took off work so I could go down to see my Grandson Christian's Kindergarden Class Christmas Program this morning. His mom and dad took off too to attend. I am proud of the job my boy is doing with his son!

Well, I better get ready!

Originally posted by bjprowler:
As usual, I had a great time and wonderful fellowship at this most joyous time of year...I'm not trying to preach....I just wanted to relay my experience and provide a little "food for thought"......

Thanks for starting this thread BJ. You are so right about everyone getting so caught up in the gift giving, they sometimes forget what Christmas is all about.

By the way A/C...thanks for that GREAT link!

bjprowlerAmen!...And thanks for the chiming in guys!....I'm just trying to make sure that when I get to Heaven I'm not the only guy/gal there who's driving a Prowler....I'm ABSOLUTELY sure about me....but I've got some SERIOUS doubts about a few of you..

Merry Christmas friends...

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 12-20-2007 at 03:22 PM

tangled up in BLUE
Originally posted by bjprowler:
Amen!...And thanks for the chiming in guys!....I'm just trying to make sure that when I get to Heaven I'm not the only guy/gal there who's driving a Prowler....I'm ABSOLUTELY sure about me....but I've got some SERIOUS doubts about a few of you..

Merry Christmas friends...

...last time I went to church, I got married....sure don't wanna do that again

...I tell all my buddys I wanna be buried with the keys to my Viper in one hand and a 6-apck of ICE COLD Classic Coke in the other...I'm pretty sure it will be plenty warm where I go

Kerry LucasHey, Prowler Junkie,
Keep asking people to come to Church with you and don't get discouraged. 98% of all people who come to Church for the first time do so because someone asked them. Throughout the years I have invited hundreds of people who did come and their lives were changed for the good. Just keep asking! - - - "Jesus is Still, the Reason for the Season."

God bless,
Kerry Lucas

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