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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:I am no artist...BUT
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
SimonsezI have always wanted to do an acrylic painting of the Prowler. I probably have a 1000 hours in trying to do it. Once again, I am no artist especially like some on this site but wanted to share my rendering. Prowler purple is a very difficult color in trying to reproduce, but I tried.

The photo below is what I used for reference. The '69 Camaro now belongs to my son Jeff (born in 1969). I gave it to him at age 16 and he drove it during his high school and college days. We restored it to show room condition some 20 years ago. The Prowler will go to our other son Randy whenever I am ready to give it up.

This message has been edited by Simonsez on 05-30-2022 at 03:48 PM

Rick BuehlerGreat jib Bruce.
ammochiefI like it! Great work
enzprowlvery nice
Landscape DoctorGreat job. Love it.
BeWareGreat job. Love it. Acrylics are harder than oils to paint with because they dry faster.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 05-30-2022 at 03:42 PM

SimonsezRich. I was anxious to hear your reply. My difficulty was reference to shadows and perspective. There isn’t, a straight line in the whole painting. It took me a week just to do the wheel on the Camaro. It’s in the forefront and knew it would be a focal point. The actual painting looks a lot better than the posted .picture . I wished I had yours and others talent.

This message has been edited by Simonsez on 05-30-2022 at 08:39 PM

ed monahanI couldn't even get an image thar good with a camera, much less with a brush.
druLooks great Bruce.
Looks great! My grandfather would carve duck decoys during the depression to make money. I once asked him how he was able to carve a duck out of these pieces of wood. He said it's easy, just remove everything that doesn't look like a duck.

This message has been edited by Diezel on 05-30-2022 at 11:14 PM

ClayDFine job! You nailed it! You can't say you're not an artist anymore though.
padrooYes nice Bruce. What is the size of the painting?
SimonsezDale. I made it 28 X 18. It's rather large but at age 80 my hands are not as steady as they once were.

tbonelynchYou even did the reflections in the building's windows. A lot of time to paint all those bricks too. Looks great Bruce.
dbudnerGreat job! I have to stick with an airbrush so I can cover my errors easier. Getting the colors to match are the same art though. I do use the acrylics when I recreate some charity or company logos though (easier to push though silk screens). Did I say great job enough yet?

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