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Topic:I am in the Market for a new Battery
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Rod Endsley2002 Prowler 10 years old What is the best battery Remember mine is Yellow THe Fastest color
EssexExportI replaced mine with a Duralast 34-DL. Got it from Auto Zone. You'll need an extension of some kind for your ratchet wrench to undo the old battery.
Prowler RunI am open to new battery ideas too. Mine just died after 12 years. Can I get the original one?
quincyWow! Ten and twelve years is really pushing the envelope.

I recommend the Sears Platinum series of Gel batteries.

They utilize what Sears calls Evolution Technology. It has a very unique internal grid and it is very shock resistant. Mine has 880 CCA and 135 RC.

The number on the battery is 34/78DT 50090. Its a bigger battery than stock but does fit OK. I am impressed with how long it holds a full charge and how quick my battery tender tops it off to 100% charge. I paid about $125 four years ago. I believe it provides some peace of mind.

jimsuttonMight try a Optima Yellow top might be the best ?? I have a Red top in my Viper and it is Good ..
TLRandallI have the Optima Yellow in two of mine, they have been in there for at least five years and top off fast with the tenders.
POOLKAT12 years here too and still original. Never had any kind of tender for the winters or anything. Maybe my longest lasting battery ever.Good luck with your new one. Watch, I probably just jinxed it.


GenoTexMy '02 still perks up every spring on the original battery
BeWareI have had excellent luck with Sears Die Hards. The previous one lasted 9 years plus.
Originally posted by quincy:
Wow! Ten and twelve years is really pushing the envelope.

I believe it provides some peace of mind.

Had 12 years on my original battery too, still cranking well, but "for peace of mind" replaced it with a red top Optima, based on all the reading from various posts at the time. I do use the BAttery Tender though on all vehicle batteries from new. Had an original Harley battery go 10 years - they wanted to send it to the Smithsonian! ha

Rod EndsleyThanks Great imfromation
SuperKatSears Die Hard Platinum
padrooyellow isnt the fastest color when your battery is dead.

I like Walmart batteries. If you travel away from home a lot you can always get it checked and replaced if under warranty. Some if not all are made by Johnson Controls a major battery manufacturer.

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