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Topic:I am going to have to non-op my kat
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
CWatsonJrIt is either that or sell it. We are trying to get our budget costs down, and that is just another insurance and registration cost that we can save.

I really don't want to sell it so this is the solution I came up with

Cliff Watson See My Prowler Page

2K1 Mulholland, Colorshift Flames, Mud Flaps, TGF Side Panels, TGF Bumper Covers, Eric Wolf Chrome Tranny Cooler, Blueberry Shimmers, Front Ceramic Pads, Homemade Top Brace, SSS Muffler, Weekender.
2001 Dakota SLT+ CC (Patriot Blue)
1998 Durango SLT+ (Intense Blue)
X - 1998 Honda Accord
X - 1991 Dodge Spirit
X - 1965 Ford Mustang (289)
X - 1994 Dodge Daytona Turbo
X - 1971 Ford Pinto (The Rust Bucket)

butchceeThat's what I would do if I were in a pinch Cliff. Looks like you have quite a stable of vehicles... yours or the kids?
Howler CatIt sounded like that's your best option. Don't they sell a insurance policy that will limit your annual mileage? Maybe that will cut your cost by 75%? Anyway, just hang in there. This is just a rough part that some of us has to deal with. I am sure that you will ride out this storm. BTW, how's the gang up there? Please tell everyone I say "HI"...


This message has been edited by Howler Cat on 09-08-2004 at 07:23 PM


Sorry to hear that!

If you haven't you might check on the limited mileage policies. They are much cheaper but do have some restictions. That way the kat does not have to be parked all the time.


Jim SCliff, Hate to hear that, but sounds like it's better than the alternative. Been wondering where you have been lately, hardly a peep out of you for quite awhile now. Say hi to Gina and the boys.
CJWhat about insuring it just for part of the year? Since mine are in storage from Nov. to March we only have comp on it.........no liability. Reduces costs.
CWatsonJrCJ - that is what I am going to do, just put comp on it. I called State Farm and they said that would be my best option as well.

I am looking to drop the cost of the registration cost as well, so I can't just do a limited mileage policy. ($10 vs. $300).

Jim - life has been just plain crazy lately. It seems that I can't turn around without having to deal with some issue either at work or home.

Bin - I will tell everyone "HI" - the boys are in 8th grade now, and the hormones are kicking in... teenagers are a blast... NOT! At least they are still 4.0 students, but I don't know how much longer that will last (the way they are going). I just have faith that we taught them the correct way to do things and they will pull out of this.

I am just bummed about the whole thing. I have until Oct. 15th to get my prowlin' in. I brought the kat to work today... have to get my driving in while I can

CJCliff...........from a parent who raised two boys....they go whacko when they hit about 13 years old. You think that they have forgotten everything you taught them. At about 18-19, they turn back into human beings again. The trick is to survive the years in between.......we did and at 32 and 34, my sons have grown into pretty amazing people! lol!
ed monahanCliff, I have 4 sons. My advice is to try to keep them interested in sports. If they are not into sports, get them into some hobby they really like and something you can somewhat be involved in.
Radio controlled airplanes, anything that you can be there and keep on eye on them and their friends.
CWatsonJrCJ & Ed - thanks for the words of encouragment!

Butchee - actually, those are all my past vehicles... I guess I should take those out of my signature.

Currently we only have 3 vehicles, 98 Durango, 01 Dakota and the kat. We are looking at replacing the Durango (almost 140k miles) with a Magnum but we are not ready to buy yet... have to get our budget in line.

CJCliff.......when you are ready.....we can still get Friends and Family certificates!
Jim SCliff, Bring the cat and the family to Cruisin for a Cure at the end of the month. The boys out to have a blast, 3000 cars, open header cruisin all day, hot wheel races, music, and did I mention 3000 cars? Do you and Gina some good to get out with the rest of the gang again. How about it?
R DorigoBeing a newbie I might be stepping out of line here but if we all get together I believe we could help Cliff out. Hate to see him put his kat up. Been there, done that !!!!!!
CWatsonJrThanks CJ! That has always been in the back of my mind to contact you for a certificate when we were ready!

Jim - that is a good idea. I will talk with Gina and see what she has planned.

R Dorigo - I appreciate the offer, but this is a long term issue, not a quick fix We will work it out. Thanks

RogerCliff, If you are ever in the Northwest or Southwest, my Prowler is yours. Drive it for as long as you like. It's fully insured and so are you on any car you drive that's owned my someone else. And not to worry, if it's an event or tour, I may bring up the rear with something else that's old or fun.

And if you're ever in Kona, I'll bet two bits Mr. Dorigo will let you spin his car around the Island.

I've discovered car people always suprise a guy with their hospitality. Recently I commented about a Packard event on the east coast but said it's a long way to drive. The answer was that someone whom I've never met would loan me a Packard for the tour and probably pick me up at the airport. Hey, I know some folks that even own 2 Prowlers.

Hang right in there as good times are just around the next bend. Let's go crusing.

CWatsonJrTo steal Jay's line...

You meet the nicest people in the POA


You meet the nicest people in the POA

....and you and Gina are definitely two of them!

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