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bjprowler....I'm thinking seriously about sending half of it back to the "O" man.....

alrtgWas that a Stimulus check or a Social Security check?
idiveHEY! That's double what they sent me! I'm guessing you must be upper management?
heynow14Finally, paying you what your worth.


RICARDO JACKSONI'm still waiting for an overpayment of $850.00 from the IRS it's been 60 days but if i owed them and i didn't pay for 60 days i get a penalty.
nitrosteveJust to be a good guy and a team player, I would send all of it back, that's the right thing to do! LOL.
CJWhat? No change??
KlasKatSince they no longer are holding up there end of the deal, I think we should ALL quit sending in our taxes, they can't put us all into prison. "Change you can believe in!!!
Originally posted by KlasKat:
Since they no longer are holding up there end of the deal, I think we should ALL quit sending in our taxes, they can't put us all into prison. "Change you can believe in!!!

I'll second that!

Didn't our ancestors leave a different country to come here for similar reasons long long ago?

What ever happened to "Voluntary Taxes"?

GOATFALLSchances are that if you receive a paycheck that you are indeed receiving your stimulus, you should be getting a little more because taxes were lowered, I'm retired but my wife is getting $35 more a week
Originally posted by GOATFALLS:
chances are that if you receive a paycheck that you are indeed receiving your stimulus, you should be getting a little more because taxes were lowered, I'm retired but my wife is getting $35 more a week

Some people obviously don't look too close at them

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