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Topic:Hurricane Harvey Victims
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ProwlerCarHurricane Harvey Victims
at 1:47 a Prowler


mslc10Lots of nice rides....what a shame!


This message has been edited by mslc10 on 10-01-2017 at 07:19 PM


druI believe that is this gentleman's prowler. He posted a few days ago. http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/024237.html
There should be at least one more, a red one which would be Larry's. Very sad.
TLRandallLooks like it will have an NR - Non Repairable Title, not sure what value it will have, but it won’t be street legal again.
ed monahanThat is NOT the same car. Totally diff. VINs, so not a typo.
RPLWow! That's a really early 2002. They didn't build many silver cars and the VIN is 20. CJ's car was an Engineering car and the VIN was 14.
BeWareWhat a real shame.
Originally posted by ed monahan:
That is NOT the same car. Totally diff. VINs, so not a typo.

You're absolutely correct Ed. That is strange, he had a silver, water up to the floor boards (same level as the picture). What are the chances of 2? But as Simonsez says, you guys have good eyes! I guess that comes from experience, no doubt they don't take kindly to repo-ing the wrong car. Good call.

ed monahanDru, I wasn't trying to show you up. I clicked on the link and saw his VIN and knew it wasn't the same. Hopefully both of them will get on the list so no one gets burned.
I have had 50 years experience with VINs so it was second nature. Everyone has their areas of expertise, YOURS is a whole lot more important than mine.
SteveMcCThe car that Dru was talking about was mine......a 2001 silver....that is listed on the IAA site. The water line mark on mine was actually lower than the one pictured. Other than the floorboard being wet and the amplifier shorting out it ran and drove onto the rollback. It had just over 28k miles on it when this happened. Steve McCoy
ProwlerCarthere looks like there are 2 silver prowlers that got hit by Harvey

the one in the video has no front bumpers, while this one that was uploaded has front bumpers

Originally posted by ed monahan:
Dru, I wasn't trying to show you up. I clicked on the link and saw his VIN and knew it wasn't the same. Hopefully both of them will get on the list so no one gets burned.
I have had 50 years experience with VINs so it was second nature. Everyone has their areas of expertise, YOURS is a whole lot more important than mine.

I didn't take it that way Ed, trust me no problem. And besides, it wouldn't take much at all to show me up! LOL! That would be a low bar!!
It is amazing though that 2 silvers with similar water levels were flooded. I have no idea who the other owner was, apparently not a POA member or an involved local owner. So at least 3 prowlers were claimed in the local flood. Very sad.

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