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Topic:Howler at the WPC Museum
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
CJWas over at the Walter P. Chrysler Museum last week for a meeting and when we walked in the door.......there was the Howler!! Back in the museum with a number of other Chrysler concept vehicles. It was great to see them again.








This message has been edited by CJ on 02-18-2010 at 12:44 PM

enzvoylove THE ME12

thanks for sharing

This message has been edited by enzvoy on 02-18-2010 at 12:49 PM

DFOTOPROall very nice
RPLThe only two ME412's ever built were on display together, a show car and a development mule.
CJThey are also featuring the "Can You HEMI It?" display...

Can You Hemi It? display

They weren't able to call it a Zamboni (copyright), but I think they should have called it the HEMIboni!!!

stprinzreal nice....
cnote6Very Cool!! Thanks for sharing the pictures!!
BeWareThanks for the pics. I would love to see both the Howler and the Atlantic in person. I have not only seen the Copperhead, I have also sat in it.
JeraneWThanks CJ. Never been to the museum, but will put on my "bucket list."
jim desNow we know where Audi got the idea for the R8...

Originally posted by RPL:
The only two ME412's ever built were on display together, a show car and a development mule.

heynow14Wonder if there is a way to find if MSX fabricated the rear clip or if it done in-house at Chrysler?


RPLMetalCrafters did the body.
Originally posted by BeWare:
Thanks for the pics. I would love to see both the Howler and the Atlantic in person.

Me too, Rich....me too.
SuperKatI'd love to see those cars again.
Any idea how long they will be displayed?

Is this a special showing or perhaps they have been added to the museum collection?

SkullrodderThanks for the pictures CJ. I saw the Sidewinder at Chrysler Carlisle when it was new and loved it! If your planning a 15 yr special Prowler event during Woodward it would be nice to see the Howler, Sidewinder, Prowler (concept) and several others. Great pictures, thanks again.
CJSuperKat.....The Howler, along with the other concept vehicles, have always been in the Chrysler archive collection. They rotate the cars in the Museum on a regular basis. A number of years, ago, the owners who attended my annual Woodward event was treated to a trip to MSX who was handling the vehicles at that time to see them all close-up and personal!!! Everyone even had a chance to sit on the Tomahawk and take pictures!

Check out this thread for some pictures of the tour:

Concept Vehicle Tour - Dream Cruise 2005

Skullrodder.....The Howler was supposed to be at the 10th Anniversary party, but there was some confusion and they didn't bring it.

This message has been edited by CJ on 02-21-2010 at 05:03 PM

alrtgI saw the PT Coupe here at the Baltimore New Car Auto Show several years ago but did not realize at the time it was a Concept vehicle. I thought it was a new car at the time and could get a better look at the dealer later on. That did not happen.

I have not been to a New Car show since then as the number of kids running around without any discipline was enough to ruin the experience for me.

A trip to the warehouse would really be something to attend and remember for a lifetime for many of us.

This message has been edited by alrtg on 02-21-2010 at 08:49 PM

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