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Topic:How do these cars
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This message has been edited by NRVOUS on 12-17-2012 at 11:30 AM

attyedhallwelcome to the addiction!
EssexExportI know: its like you just pulled up in a space ship or something. Was at a Toys for Tots car show in South Amboy early in December. When pulling out had the top down as it was a very nice day. So there were all these folks standing around just staring as me & my girlfriend pulled out as directed when leaving.

This message has been edited by NRVOUS on 12-17-2012 at 11:30 AM

I've owned over 100 (or more) personal cars in my lifetime, some downright outrageous cars including Ferraris, etc. and NONE, except perhaps my 1967 Excalibur roadster (way back when), drew as many looks, smiles, thumbs ups and attention as the Prowler did.

This message has been edited by JRL on 04-11-2012 at 09:00 AM

BeWareWhat you are experiencing thus far, pales in comparison to what you will, if you start attending Prowler events such as the one in Vegas. For Linda and I and as many will attest on this forum, owning the Prowler has been a life changing experience. We anxiously are looking forward to May when we will have an opportunity to see some old friends and hopefully make many many more new ones. There are usually plenty of events each year both large and small.
Originally posted by SABYBY:
it's insane!I have owned and own some pretty cool cars but none get the attention this thing gets! Best money ever spent! I have a family vacation planned next week that I would like to cancel I can't bear to leave this thing behind, lol.

You could not have said it any better, You will get more LOOKS in this car than you EVER HAD with any other...Congratulations on your new Prowler. Might want to break it in & drive to Vegas in a couple weeks, You would get a better idea of all the things you can do , plus talk with all the other owners.


This message has been edited by NRVOUS on 12-17-2012 at 11:30 AM

xtreme prowlerCongrats on the Prowler. Its great to see new owners so excited about their cars.... It has been over 7 years for me and I love the car more today than I did the first day I bought her... drive the car as much as you can !
mikeeOne of the sadest days I have had in a long time was when I sold my Prowler. Knew I had made a mistake as soon as I signed the papers.
Looking to buy one now. Can't wait to have one again.

This message has been edited by NRVOUS on 12-17-2012 at 11:31 AM

WINDY CITY PROWLEREveryday i drive my prowler is just like the first day i bought it back in 2003.
REBELBOBHope to see you on the road around PA...had one since 2000 and still get a rush everytime we take it out!

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