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Topic:How Great It Is !
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Richard JacksonIf not everyone new here knows it already, this has to be by far the BEST automotive aficionado forum, bar none. People here are considerate, and helpful. Well except for Ed lol.
I purchased a new vehicle a week ago (Prowler is in the garage) and went to the major forum representing that vehicle. Like most people today who visit forums, I spend hours if not days researching my concerns by using the search too. When I fail to find what I am looking for, I simply ask questions. Unfortunately, the early adopters on this site sit back and tell you that you should have done a search first and of course they don't answer your questions.
Sorry about that, but had to rant.

Mike, this forum is great.


halicati've never been to any other forums.... but can't imagine a nicer bunch of people....maybe these cars bring out the best in us.

I don't go off near as much as i used to before i bought the Kat !

TBarrowOK you have my attention what did you get????
ed monahanA high mileage GREY Yugo. lol
He bought a Silver SSR.

Congrats on the SSR...I'm thinking about getting one ..how low are they selling them..I know they have $7500 REBATE...

Silver Cat 01
how low are they selling them..

I think they are giving away an SSR and GTO with every new Corvette purchase.

Rich W
2001 Silver Cat

roadsterI was offered a 2004 SSR with MSR of $45,600 for $29,999. Here in the great Northwest, a four wheel drive vehicle is a must during winter months, so the SSR would'nt be the best daily driver.
Originally posted by roadster:
I was offered a 2004 SSR with MSR of $45,600 for $29,999. Here in the great Northwest, a four wheel drive vehicle is a must during winter months, so the SSR would'nt be the best daily driver.

29,999 is Great Deal.. I have seem on e-bay as low as 31.5k..

01ProwlerI bought one today!!!!

This message has been edited by 01Prowler on 01-15-2005 at 11:26 PM

Originally posted by Richard Jackson:
If not everyone new here knows it already, this has to be by far the BEST automotive aficionado forum, bar none. People here are considerate, and helpful. Well except for Ed lol.
I purchased a new vehicle a week ago (Prowler is in the garage) and went to the major forum representing that vehicle. Like most people today who visit forums, I spend hours if not days researching my concerns by using the search too. When I fail to find what I am looking for, I simply ask questions. Unfortunately, the early adopters on this site sit back and tell you that you should have done a search first and of course they don't answer your questions.
Sorry about that, but had to rant.

Mike, this forum is great.



I'm sure if you use the search you could find just a post on this site! J/K - How true your comments ring ...


Nice ride!

JCProwlerI really like the SSR in yellow, congrats.
Lone Ranger
A nice ride at a great price. Congratulations!

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