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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Hope eveyone is OK in IL,KY,IN & MO
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BeWareIs everyone OK after the earthquake?
WildCatno damage here, but it sure was strange

Sue and I both woke up and each thought the other had did something, when I heard the mirrored sliding closet doors on my side and the stuff on the chest on her side and stuff in the bathroom rattling, I went right back to sleep knowing we just had an earthquake. Sue on the other hand didn't, wondering what had happened

Bob HackerEarthquake what earthquake? LOL We did not feel it.
SimonsezWe are 33 miles from the epi-center. Certainly an early wake up call for us. It was the longest 20-30 seconds just wondering when the house would quit shaking. Our dogs didn't like it either. No damage in town that we have heard of.

This message has been edited by Simonsez on 04-18-2008 at 11:23 AM

ed monahanI was sitting in a recliner watching the news. It lasted a lot longer than 20 seconds here but it was very mild. The panoramic of the Smoky's trip was shaking on a brick wall near the TV. It woke Sandy up but she did not realize what was going on. The news didn't say a word about it for almost 10 minutes and then said they were getting flooded with calls.
Again, extremely mild but the recliner was vibrating.
SimonsezIt is now 10:15am and we just had another aftershock that was considerable shaking and rumbling. Nothing like early this morning. The news said it occured 3 miles down in the earth.

This message has been edited by Simonsez on 04-18-2008 at 11:24 AM

Dale BeamanSlept right through it!
2002SilverProwlerI'm in St. Louis and it woke me up this morning. Never felt one before, but when I woke up and knew pretty quick it was an earthquake, never had a storm, etc rattle my bed like that! I was at work during the 10:15 aftershock, I was up walking around and didn't feel it but a few people who sit by me said they felt it.
phil2237Now you know how we feel in Southern California.......
WildCatthey stated it was a 5.2 quake, no news of any damage in Indiana

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