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T O P I C     R E V I E W
TucsonJerMade it back to Tucson this morning. Pushed fairly hard the first 3 days coming home so I could get back to see my girl. I rolled into town about 10:30. I’m going to remember this get together for a very long time. I had such a wonderful time. I can’t express enough what a boost I got by coming. It was so nice to just let loose for a few days.

ed monahanJer, it was great to see you. We were really glad you could make it. You have had a lot on your plate the past few years and it is good to step away just to get a second wind. I am sure it was great to get home, also. You are a GOOD man, for sure and no one would disagree with that statement. God bless you man. Good luck. See you next year in Ark.
Stray CatWonderful to see you Jerry and you are such a good man and husband. Still a highlight of my life (truly, and I have had a lot of blessings in my life!) meeting the two of you in West Virginia. You are a testament of what a marriage and commitment should look like and like Ed says, God bless you and Maryanne (did I spell that properly ? ). Hearing the story of your courtship and marriage is the stuff Movies are made of. So glad you made it home Safely!


Landscape DoctorLooks like you recharged your batteries Jer,,, you are a great husband in my book.
401KATI’ll Amen all of the above .. So glad we have had conversations about this and it all worked out..especially the weather gods smiling on us..
Take care of my girl.. I know you will. 😁😁😁.. Jim
401KATLong haul winner🎉🎉🎉🎉
Bob MillerIt was great seeing you Jer after several years! You're a joy to be around and hope to see you in Arkansas. ...And thanks for bringing the carbon fiber guitar for us to play too.

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