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Topic:Holiday thought for the day
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Happy holidays.

This message has been edited by mikee on 12-09-2004 at 08:24 PM

Dale BeamanMerry Christmas to all!
ALLEY CATNot trying to offend anyone or any religion,,,,,but I'm putting Christ back into the season.


This politically correct garbage of saying 'Happy Holidaya' doesn't cut it for me anymore. The word "holiday" is derived from two words: Holy & Day = Holiday

Here is another one to ponder,,,,back up a couple of weeks:

Thanksgiving Day - Who were the Pilgrims "thanking"?


mikee - no offense towards you man,,,,you did good

firegabeHappy Hollidays


Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
Not trying to offend anyone or any religion,,,,,but I'm putting Christ back into the season.


This politically correct garbage of saying 'Happy Holidaya' doesn't cut it for me anymore. The word "holiday" is derived from two words: Holy & Day = Holiday
Your right!!!
Here is another one to ponder,,,,back up a couple of weeks:

Thanksgiving Day - Who were the Pilgrims "thanking"?


mikee - no offense towards you man,,,,you did good

mannydI'm not practicing church goer, but I believe in God in any way you want to believe. The things that you can not say because you will offend others is out of hand. All this is about is certain people ready willing and able to want to sue if you do don't comply with their complaints. Look at what was said about the type of people that voted for our president last month.
YellowFeverbut I'm putting Christ back into the season.

Amen to that! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

After all, it is a holiday that was created to celebrate HIS birth.

David Veu CasovicMerry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
lindala49I agree its Merry Christmas to all and that's the away it should be !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
idiveI saw on the news the other night where a huge (20' or so) Minorah (sp) was lit up on the whitehouse lawn. Not one word have I heard about separation of church and state relating to this. Yet, we ALL know what would be said should there be a nativity scene on the whitehouse lawn...
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! And to those of the Jewish faith, HAPPY HANNUKAH (sp).
wuzzzerIt's interesting to research the origins of Christmas.

Not trying to open a can of worms, just making a statement.

ALLEY CATIts getting worse,,,,,,,,,,,,,now the 'Christmas' tree lots are selling Holiday Trees . Where will it end?

I'm going out to a Holiday Tree lot to ask where the Christmas trees are,,,,,hidden in the back? They can't be selling Christmas trees,,,their sign says Holiday Trees. I want a Christmas tree!!!

Its the end of the world,,I tell ya,,,,,the end of the world!!

BlackAMX Merry Christmas to all.


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