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Topic:Hitch Haulers Plate Blockers ??
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
redheet55Help out he guys: when you use the Hitch haulers, the LICENSE plate is TOTALLY blocked, right? How is this legal? Has anyone been written up? Does anyone make a hitch adapter with a bend that puts the carrier ABOVE the license plate?
BeWareBlocking the plate is illegal. Someone about a year or so back was stopped and received a ticket. You would have to move the plate to the rear of the carrier. Heck I got stopped in our Durango at the Texas Stampede event for having a chrome license frame on my plate.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 04-21-2006 at 01:44 PM

ed monahanI am not disagreeing with Rich but when we travel on the m/c we hang a bag from the rear "helmet holders" and they totally block the plate. I have been stopped for speeding, for not wearing a helmet, etc. and no one ever mentioned the plate was blocked. Go figure.
Even when pulling a trailer in the Prowler, the car plate is mostly blocked by the drawbar and ball and blocked by the trailer.
If you get the wrong cop, you have a problem. Fortunately I have never had a problem and no one has ever mentioned no front plate, even though that is required, also.

Do what makes you comfortable, I guess.

Marty Usher
Originally posted by waterluver55:
Help out he guys: when you use the Hitch haulers, the LICENSE plate is TOTALLY blocked, right? How is this legal? Has anyone been written up? Does anyone make a hitch adapter with a bend that puts the carrier ABOVE the license plate?

RealRod's Weekender is higher and does not block the plate. I have a trailer but a lot of people like their Weekeeders and leave them on full time.

Larry LordI've used my KatRack for many many miles. Yes, it does block the plate but that's easily sovled by mounting the plate on the rear of the KatRack if a person feels it's that important. I've never felt the need to do so.
toysI wasn't going to chime in on this.

But i can tell you from personal experience that i got stopped at a click it or ticket seat belt stop, & We were wearing seatbelts but i got a ticket for an obstructed rear license Plate while using a Kat-Rack.
I actually got a ticket for no front plate and obstructed rear Plate, Fine's were more than the cost of the Kat-rack, Enough said

PS. What a real Pain in the @$$ it is to move the plate to the rack every time you want to use a rack of this type JMHO


This message has been edited by toys on 04-21-2006 at 07:26 PM

Originally posted by ed monahan:
If you get the wrong cop, you have a problem.

That is definitely a big factor!

Marty Usher
Originally posted by toys:
I wasn't going to chime in on this.

PS. What a real Pain in the @$$ it is to move the plate to the rack every time you want to use a rack of this type JMHO

I wasn't going to chime again on this but if 90 seconds to move a license plate a few times a year is too much of a pain maybe you should consider a Weekender, a Trailer, or sell the Prowler an buy an SSR or Magnum. JMHO

When i can Buy a much better Rack, and I Can buy a much cheaper priced Rack, And i don't have to move my license plate every time I want to use it, And not get a ticket, Yeah it was real PAIN just to use it unless I wanted to pick up a couple large Pizza's. JMHO

Since I got a ticket with the Kat-Rack I sold it to another POA member at a give away price informing him of the inherent problem's I had with it and other rack's mounted like it, Hoping to keep someone else from getting a ticket in a worst case scenario.

I now have PT cruiser rack and a Haul it all rack with an off set hitch receiver that raises the rack higher than the Lic plate. plus not to mention my Prowler Trailer so i'm good to go any where i want Knowing i'll get back home without a ticket.

Marty at this point I don't feel Any need or desire to sell the Prowler.

But I do thank you for the input.


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