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Topic:High speed spinout
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ArmyQB7DadI was traveling from my home in Reno going through Wyoming last week and had a big spinout at 70 MPH. The car must have hit some of the sand just being put down by the highway department. I spun either 1 1/2 or 2 1/2 times...not very easy to concentrate on counting while in the middle of the action. I was lucky that none of the other vehicles or big rigs hit me. I ended up in a snow pile on the side of the road. I was not injured and it appeared that I also had suffered no damage to the Prowler, was I ever wrong.I was able to finish the trip back to relatives in Illinois with no problems. I went to the car wash to wash off the road slime and discovered that I had two cracks in the fiberglass, one near the right headlight and one behind the right front wheel. I had also bent the tranny cooler and flanges. Does anyone know what kind of cost and problems the body shop will have in getting replacement parts?
fixummshow some pictures and i can give you some kind of idea
MDProwlerLet Fixxum repair it. It will be fixed right but it may look a little different when you get it back.

PS: That's a good thing!

ArmyQB7DadThe car is back in Illinois and I am in Reno. I will try to get the shop to send some pictures. The cracks are 2-3 inches in length.

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