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Topic:Hey Chuck???
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cmblockhusyou still lurking out there havent heard much from you as of late, anyway just wanted to let you know I got my light today, its really cool thanks for getting them.

hope your well



CTProwlerWent to Cabo for a week! Hot and sunny! Played golf 3 times. I loved The Eldorado Ocean Course. Gave the Mexican at the gas station a $50 bill for $32 worth of gas, he claimed I gave him a $5. I know I gave him a fifty because not 10 minutes before i got change from a $100 bill. A $50, $20 and $5. (The $5 bill was still in my wallet!) Another guy charged me $22 for $13 worth of beer. Best one was car rental Co charged me an extra $85 a day for the Mini van i rented!!Glad its charged on American Express!Its never boring in Mexico!


cmblockhusafter your stitch job I would think it would take you a week or two to drink $13.00 worth of beer, sound like it would be cheaper to stay in the USofA, lol


CTProwlerLiquids go thru me faster then Food!! It used to be 5 to 10 minutes a Beer! Now its about 30 minutes! Barb drinks Beer also! It still takes a lot to get a Buzz on! Yea nothing fun in life is usually cheap! It was my 9th time in Mexico, so i wasn't surprised!!


butchceethanks for the details about your gastric functions Chuck.
DUSTIButchcee ...............you almost made me spit my 'cold adult beverage' all over my screen
CTProwlerButchee!!!I'm sorry i didn't word that right! it takes me about 30 minutes to get a beer into my stomach and i guess some out! Being the size of a Golf ball there isn't much Room!!I used to drink beers like water, soda, etc. Not anymore! As far as my body functions, Less goes in so, taking into consideration my intestines are the same size I go visit the bathroom less.I'm 90 lbs lighter in 11 weeks!!!Still loosing! It will be interesting to see at what weight I level off at! Just think of all the valuable Info on Stomach Bypass you get here on POA site! It definitely changes your social life!!


ALLEY CATCT -- Glad to hear the lbs. are falling off. Aren't tomato products a no-no with your new system? People will not recognize you when you reach 175!
CTProwler175!!!I have at least that in muscle weight!! Then add My fat head!!!I think 230 would be reasonable for my 6'1" large frame. AC I'll be out your way on Nov 27 for Jets vs Cardinals Game for a week. I'll be staying in Phoenix area. I should be close to my weight by then.


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