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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Here you go Ed!
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WildCat http://autos.yahoo.com/news/riding-honda-valkyrie-rune-140045341.html

Thought he might enjoy this article

This message has been edited by WildCat on 02-19-2015 at 09:18 AM

ed monahanAnother convert. haha It is horrible to maneuver at very low speed, like turning around in the driveway, but that is the only drawback, I think. I would love to take a motorcycle ride now but it will have to wait a few weeks, I guess. I did have it out a few weeks ago just to loosen it up a little.
Thanks for posting it. I will put it on the Rune site.
BeWareI don't keep up on motorcycle's all that much anymore and this if the first time I have seen one of these. That is one Bad A$$ motorcycle.
ed monahanThey only made the bike in '04 and '05. Sticker was about $ 26,000 back then. Most have chrome wheels, some don't.
They didn't sell like hotcakes, due to the price. They unloaded a bunch of leftovers several years ago.
I bought mine in GA with about 7000 on it, a little over 3 years ago, I think. I got it in the Fall. The guy was young but losing his eyesight. Lots of extras (but still stock, of course).
Rumor has it that there are less than 2000 of them and it cost Honda almost $ 1 million each to produce, due to the low number. No one can verify any facts, although they keep trying to get info from Honda.

Here is mine with the windshield and the aftermarket seat.

This message has been edited by ed monahan on 02-19-2015 at 01:26 PM

padrooI didn't know they even made anything like that. I like the look because it isn't a cookie cutter bike, kind of like the Prowler in that respect. I had a motorcycle back in the mid 80's and someone stole it, I think they did me a favor and I never bought another one.
Randy CobbGreat looking bike Ed!

You have great tastes in vehicles....2 and 4 wheel.

ed monahanThanks Randy. I usually ask Sandy for her opinion on EVERYTHING as related to how it looks. I don't have to do that on vehicles, for some reason. She actually agrees with me on the bikes and cars. On everything else, I totally listen to what she tells me since I don't have a clue. I disagreed a few times, early on and then discovered she was correct and I was taking things back to the store, that I thought worked, until I saw it in place and then knew better. I learned fairly quickly.
SimonsezEd that is a prize bike you have. I started riding Honda's in the early 70s and had several over a 30 year period.
ed monahanThanks Bruce. It actually looks waaay better with the stock seat. I need to take some decent pics of it.
The Goldwing is a whole lot more comfortable but nowhere near as "cool" looking.

Your bike reminded me of this one.

Originally posted by beachcat:

Can you imagine that in a cross wind?

Originally posted by beachcat:

Wicked Cool.

padrooWOW, that is really a wild thing.

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