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Forum:Technical Questions & Answers
Topic:Here is what we all need for Prowler parts!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
EdsCatThis is very interesting video.

Jay Leno's Garage


George JohnsonYeah for American Technology. It could revolutionize the machine shop business. Thanks for posting.
BradleyGWOW!!! That is awesome.

Sooooo.. What would happen if you put Mickey's blow up doll in that machine??

GOATFALLSWoW!! that is cool. As a retired Boeing machinist, I only wish machinists made $200 an hour
dbudnerSweet setup and doesn't seem too expensive until you scale in the price of the printer - $14k for the kid sized model.
prowlrmanThis type of technology has actually been in existence for many years, and certainly it advances every year. In case you did not know this...TGF has similar equipment right in their facility. Many vehicle prototype parts are first made with similar 3D modeler equipment. In the case of prototype parts, the part is modeled directly from the design print. Either way (scan or design print) the 3D modeler machine creates an actual duplicate of the part.

You probably didn't know that many show / concept cars you see for the first time at auto shows have many parts made exactly this way. If it is not a running concept car, they normally just paint or cover the part with fabric and while you think you are looking at actual parts, it is really these plastic modeled pieces.

Since TGF builds concept cars for many OEM manufacturers, they have a few of these machines that are in operation all day long. (As you may know, TGF did the first Prowler concept car for Chrysler)

I have seen the machine in operation at TGF and another facility and it is truly amazing to see a part taking shape right before your eyes, and then to take it and hold it in your hand. Yeah maybe one day we will have to make some replacement Prowler parts using this method.

Here is a link of all the concept cars TGF created, or took a part in... http://www.metalcrafters.com/photogallery/conceptscars/Galleryfrom1980_2003.html

or this link talking briefly about their 3D capabilities

droptop$200 @ hour??!! I'm going back to school.
GenoTexThanks for the link.. that just makes me drool (all over again!) for the ME412.
bjprowlerAmazing!!! When I was in high school (1965 grad) slide rules were "high tech"
fortsmithSooo, these machines will make a plastic part from a real part, and THEN you can somehow make a metal part using the plastic part as a mold?? Why not just use the original part as the mold?

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