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Topic:Help with parts for a service
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
UK_ProwlinHello to you all,

I have had my Prowler now for nearly 2 years & it has now reached 10,000 miles. It has had one service by the previous owner. I would like to have it serviced privately but don't know what parts I need. I have a new set of spark plugs & an oil filter ... that's it!!!

Can some kind soul please advise of other parts & part numbers & possibly a supplier that I can order them from so that I can get them in without having to go through a Chrysler dealer here in the UK as the prices are astronomical (e.g. they charge £80/hr plus parts)

I guess this would be a major service & I will change the oil to Mobil 1.

many thanks


Orange PeelerMike: Unless you are a performance freak (not meant derogatorily) there should be no need to change the plugs and plug coils at 10,000 miles. A good synthetic oil (such as the Mobil 1) is fine along with oil filter. I would pull down the air filter and clean it by tapping on ground to loosen dirt or replace it entirely with a K&N filter cartridge for longevity purposes. Have belts and hoses checked for wear/tightness/chaffing etc. In the States we have the "Quick Lube" business that are most capable, in most cases to service the Prowler. Stick to Name Brand business for your area. Good Luck. Jim
ed monahanI have to disagree about having a "quick lube" touch my car. I am not crazy about taking it to the dealer but it will be a cold day in hades when I let someone at a Quick Lube near it. Just my opinion. You are entitled to yours, also.
Orange PeelerEd: I have no idea who or what business in UK change oil so I took a stab. I have a Texico "Quick Lube" that changes my oil and my filter for $18.00 in the Prowlers and the Turbo PT. Never a problem.(yet!!) To each his own, but they do have training certificates issued by Texico and are owned by the big T, feel fairly comfortable. Of course that is only about 3 changes per year per car. Jim
Bcoffman Gray GhostHave been taking my vehicles to Wal-Mart for years for all L.O.F. and tire service. Never a problem. Inexpensive. Same guy has worked there for over 20 years. Always does my service. Full guarantee also.
ed monahanI work part-time in the winter re-poing cars. It is a body shop, repair shop, tire shop, etc. They told me that at least once a month they tow in a car that the engine has blown from either no oil being put into the engine OR not draining the oil but putting in 5 more quarts on top of the old oil at the "quickie" places.
I was driving down the by-pass in Myrtle Beach in my buddy's van (the same guy with the credit card story) going to play golf the FIRST morning we were there. We saw burning oil behind us and looked at the oil gauge. I turned off the key at 60 MPH and coasted to the berm. We had it towed. It turned out that the "quickie" lube failed to remove the oil filter gasket and put on a new filter and gasket. We made it from Cincy to Myrtle Beach, thru the mountains in the DARK and it blew the next morning. No damage other than a towing bill and an oil change and $100 taxi ride to Pawley Plantation at Murrel's Inlet but it could have been an engine.
I change my own and feel good about it.

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