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Topic:Help with Jimmy Dale Spinners
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
pbg1009Many of you remember my late husband, Phil Genet. After he passed away in 2007, his son, Dave, inherited his 99 Red Prowler - which he still has today.

Posting on behalf of my son: he was looking to see if there was any tool needed to remove Jimmy Dale spinners off of the Prowler wheels - looking to do some routine maintenance and probably a front tire replacement in the near future. Wanted to make sure not to damage anything in the process and realized that they never talked about the spinners in the past.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you - Patty and Dave Genet

MIKE GATLINPatty, so great to hear from you and wonderful to hear that Dave is taking such good care of Phil's car. We think of him often.

This message has been edited by MIKE GATLIN on 11-24-2015 at 08:27 AM


A rubber mallet to tap the J/Dale 'spinners' loose......will then allow a clear line to remove the lugnuts to allow the wheels to be removed.

tangled up in BLUE...not to derail the post, AC Is correct

... I was thinking about your son a few days ago...I met him at the MOPAR Nats several years back, he had a dark blue Viper I think...very nice young man...I also hope all is well with you and yours

pbg1009Perfect... Thank you AC.

Mike: those decals are still on the Prowler...and still has the Viper as well.

Thank you all again.

wallygator310There are 3 (I believe) allen screws inside the hub holding the hub to the wheel. These need to loosened to allow the hub to be removed, if that's what you are trying to do. Otherwise the spinner part just unscrews.

This message has been edited by wallygator310 on 11-24-2015 at 11:16 AM

DublinOHOne last important piece of info here ----->

The driver's side spinners unscrew counterclockwise (loosen)
The passenger side spinners unscrew clockwise (loosen)

I miss Phil. He was a great guy who always had a smile on his face. Glad to hear his car is still in the family.

RPLAmen regarding Phil. Mention his name and so many good times from events come to mind. He may be gone but his memories live on. Remember the time he got busted in Texas and Tom came to his defense? Or the event pins he provided and on and on......RIP Phil.
mr.edA true friend to the Prowler group,and gentleman ,hope your family is doing well.
galaxieIf I remember right, make sure the spinner goes back on the wheel it came off. I too remember Phil, great guy, RIP.

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