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Topic:Hello from Miller motors again
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bob@millerHi, just wanted to let all you guys know that we still will get you a chrysler warranty for $50.00 over actual dealer cost, sorry about Bruce, but we actually are a very good Dealership. So if I can be of any help let me know, thanks guys. bob
TFischerJust contacted Bob and set up both the PT and Prowler with extended warranties. Bob did a great job and great to work with!!! T
RayLet's not forget about Bryden Motors and the other "loyal" folks who have been supporting us ... Bruce did "right" by a lot of us ... and "people" make the company ... not saying anything "bad" against Mr. Bob here ... but ... if you get my drift.
TFischerRay - totally understand what you are saying - but I learned a long time ago - there are always two sides to every story. T
ssknarBob, hands down gave me the best deal on an extended warranty. very pleasant to deal with!
CJIn spite of personal issues between employees, it is nice that a dealership wants to maintain a relationship with the Prowler group.
ProwlinNMBob is awesome in my book. He saved me a ton of money.
bruce hazeltonMr. Fischer, I would like to respond to your inference that there was another side to my being let go at Miller Motors. The only reason given by my service manager was that I didn't respect him enough. I have always felt respect was something earned by your exemplary actions not by the fact you were in a position for 25 years. My downfall was being too good a trainer of my employees so that one of them could "replace" me for a lot less money. If you had read any of my parts related responses to fellow Prowler members that was exactly how I conducted myself at work; honestly and professionally. There is no other side.

FORMER parts manager of a S. E. Wisconsin Chrysler/Ford dealership. Owner of 01 Mulholland Edition with removed exhaust tip baffles, added front suspension brace, modified door hinge checks for wider opening, built screen insert behind grille to keep bugs from condensor, Mopar front splash guards, Mopar hitch, Weekender-lined with added Mulholland pinstripe and Chrysler wings emblem.

Originally posted by CJ:
In spite of personal issues between employees, it is nice that a dealership wants to maintain a relationship with the Prowler group.

Sure .. when they smell money and the potential loss of it to a rival dealership in the same area or ... the many from outside of WI as well ... Would be noce to "think" we can all have an "impact" on our employer IF terminated. As I said, business is people and relationships ... NOT knocking Mr. Bob in any way shape or form personally ...

GenoTexMY loyalty belongs to Bruce...... JMO
CJRay....and all.......I am not siding with either party here...but I will say that the issues between the two parties should be private....and not become a "he said, he said" war for the business of the Prowler owners. The dealership made a business decision (regardless of the reasons)......the employee disagrees with the decision (his right). The Prowler owners are adult consumers who will choose one or the other (or neither) for their needs. However, verbal challenges between the two parties could result in both losing business. JMO
TFischerBruce, Ray and others: Exactly what CJ said is what I feel as well. It's not my place to decide the issue on either side. Tami
bob@millerthank you again, didn't want to start a controversy, just wanted to help you guys and gals out. thank you, bob
Tytanium-KBob just helped us out~a very rewarding experience! It was quick and relatively painless! Of all the questions Vera could have asked me...one of her first was,
"Do we have a warranty?" And altho' [we] did, now we have even mo' miles!
Tytanium-K, Man of Metal -- '99 RED, Mostly Stock!

This message has been edited by Tytanium-K on 09-13-2004 at 01:52 PM

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