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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Have a safe New Year's Eve
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
TucsonJerJust wanted to wish everyone a very happy new year. If you're going out tonight to celebrate have a wonderful time but please be safe. Mary Anne and I are hosting a New Years Eve pizza party with a few friends to celebrate our 37th wedding anniversary. We figured by getting married on New Years Eve, we'd always have a lot of people to party with. LOL Tomorrow we'll take the Prowler out for our annual New Years Day drive. (It'll only be our second one but we hope for many many more to come)
DrewHappy New Year and Happy Anniversary to you and yours!!! We are hosting also, my son is deploying again(NAVY) in a week for 5 months and was given this week off. So happy to have him, his wife & child here. My Prowler is blocked in temporarily with their stuff but wouldn't have it any other way!
silverkatHappy New Tear TusconJer

Stay safe,,,,see ya next year

pumpkinHappy New Year.

norm an Pat


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"I may have to grow older, but I do not have to grow up!"

"The Prowler is not a car to go from Point A to Point B. The Prowler is the Point!"

mslc10Stayed at home, launched $100 worth of mortars out of my remotely controlled multi tube launcher. Safe and loud! er...sound.
Originally posted by mslc10:
Stayed at home, launched $100 worth of mortars out of my remotely controlled multi tube launcher. Safe and loud! er...sound.

Landscape DoctorHappy New Year to you as well TJ and to the POA members.

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