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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Have a couple of beers on the White House lawn.......
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bjprowler......and you end up getting the Nobel Peace Prize??

Nominations ended Feb. 1.......

11 days as President,,,what did he do to earn this?

Wishing and Hoping for World Peace...

Must be given out for speculation,,,,not content?

Maybe the $1.4M prize will be given to ACORN

That just made a total mockery of the entire Nobel Award,,,and I thought Al Gore's award was a total crock!

It was bad enough after Yasir Arafat accepted his Nobel award,,,,,after wiping his blood stained hands off on his Pizza Hut tablecloth headban.

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 10-09-2009 at 02:31 PM

meancatYet, I lose out again!!!


bjprowler"This is even better than those two GRAMMY awards I got!"...(check it out,....he DID get two Grammys...
cstallHey - I thought about peace today...where do I pick up my Nobel? http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20091009/us_time/08599192939500
Originally posted by cstall:
Hey - I thought about peace today...

Curt,,,,,,if you had stated 'piece',,I would have believed you

ed monahanThe Dumb AZZ should have sent Acorn to the Olympic Committee instead of screwing it up himself. Chicago would have won in a landslide.
prowlrman http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_obama_nobel_analysis

I think the Committee will regret this selection...but only time will tell....and it may not take very long in this instance...

Closing comments from the article above...

"With many seeing the award as premature, there's the chance it could provoke a small backlash that makes Obama's work harder.

So, no doubt the news of the prize brought trepidation along with joy. As Obama's former foe for the White House, Republican Sen. John McCain, said: "He now has even more to live up to."

Perhaps one reason there was no public celebrating at the White House on Friday."

This message has been edited by prowlrman on 10-10-2009 at 01:12 AM

blackcatDoes anyone think Obama should have gotten the Nobel prize? Isn't it kind of like picking the league MVP before the season starts? Geez!
CJRidiculous, considering what all the other recipients have done to receive theirs.
ETMIDZTWell Al Gore got one.(for no reason)
catfishheard of a poll this morning,73 percent says he doesnt deserve it.he doesnt.


BeWareNot my words but I could not have expalined my feelings better.

George Bush liberates 50 million Muslims. Ronald Reagan liberates hundreds of millions of Europeans, saves parts of Latin America. Any awards? No. Just derision. Obama gives speeches trashing his own country and he gets a prize for it. This actually makes total sense when you look at who these Nobel people are, these elite Norwegians, Europeans. They love what Obama is doing. And this fully exposes, folks, the illusion that is Obama. This is a greater embarrassment than losing the Olympics bid was, and Obama got it right. He knows exactly why he was given this award. The elites of the world are urging him, a man of peace to not do the surge in Afghanistan, they are urging him not to take on Iran. If you want to get serious about this for a minute that is what this is really all about. How can he now send 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan after that cotton candy speech he just gave this morning.

The Nobel Peace Prize just told Obama, "Look, we love what you're doing, you are destroying your country as a superpower. Keep it up, Bud. This is what we expected, and you're doing a damn good job." Those are accomplishments, folks, and in the eyes of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, these are the accomplishments they're looking for. He's basically emasculating this country and they applauded today with this award. They love a weakened, neutered United States. This is their way of promoting the concept and it's a slam dunk.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 10-11-2009 at 09:30 AM

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