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Topic:Handbrake Handle Boot
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Jerry FinufHas anyone seen or had there handbrake boot pulled off the console? Looks like it is attached in about a half dozen places by small pins attached to the plastic bracket that the leather is attached to. Thru holes in the console with lock washers on the end of the pins. All of my pins were broken and I am presently looking for a replacement boot. Found out today that there are none available but are on backorder added my name to list.
ALLEY CATJerry - our orange cat has the same problem exactly >>> P O S design. National backorder is correct,,,,around $150 for a piece of leather material Not covered on our extended warranty either [interior trim parts are not covered]. I'm thinking of sealing down with clear silicone adhesive,,,,,or epoxy.

Any other ideas out there???

1buddycUse some 2 part Epoxy, will work fine. Just follow the instructions. Try to find a piece of plastic you can cut into the shape of the circular retainer clip and epoxy that over the Boot to the underside of the Console. Kind of like sandwiching the Boot between the underside of the Console and the plastic clip you've constructed. Doesnt matter if you get some Epoxy on the underside of the boot. Sounds harder than it actually is. Good Luck! (AC- Please collect my User Fees for me..)

This message has been edited by 1buddyc on 08-13-2006 at 12:05 AM

ed monahanWhen you order the chrome bezel, don't you get a new boot, also? Was the chrome bezel about $ 125? Been awhile since I changed it on the first 99.
ALLEY CATBuddy - sounds like you have already did this procedure to your car? How hard is it to remove the console out to work from underneath?
1buddycNot hard at all, AC. The hardest part is getting the Emergency Brake Handle up high enough so you can remove the Console from the car.. Take off the Console Cover Armrest, remove the storage box. Theres a couple of screws in that area to take out. I believe there is a screw on each side of the Console towards the front, by the seat bottoms, to take out also. Remove the Shifter Handle in order to remove the Shift Console Plate. I also removed the Radio/AC Control Panel Bezel to get a little more room at the front. Pull the Emergency Brake Lever almost vertically upright and slide the Emergency Brake Lever out of the Boot as you lift the Console up and out. Reinstall in the reverse order. Have fun!

This message has been edited by 1buddyc on 08-13-2006 at 12:19 PM

ed monahanSorry guys, wrong boot. Too early for me. lol
1buddycEd- Go back to sleep...Didnt expect to see you posting til at least 1:00AM EST lol
Jerry Finuf
Originally posted by ed monahan:
When you order the chrome bezel, don't you get a new boot, also? Was the chrome bezel about $ 125? Been awhile since I changed it on the first 99.

Ed there is no chrome bezil on the handbrake handle-Correct??Jerry

Jerry Finuf
Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
Jerry - our orange cat has the same problem exactly >>> P O S design. National backorder is correct,,,,around $150 for a piece of leather material Not covered on our extended warranty either [interior trim parts are not covered]. I'm thinking of sealing down with clear silicone adhesive,,,,,or epoxy.

Any other ideas out there???

AC- Thanks for your suggestion. I will end up repairing or rigging at some point after waiting awhile to see if I might get part. By the way I have been ordering parts from Jeff Hunter at Rick Hendrick Auto Complex--(moparsupercenter.com)
They give a POA discount. And on the average of almost half the cost of my local dealer!! On this part here the cost was less than fifty dollars.-----Jerry

Jerry Finuf
Originally posted by 1buddyc:
Use some 2 part Epoxy, will work fine. Just follow the instructions. Try to find a piece of plastic you can cut into the shape of the circular retainer clip and epoxy that over the Boot to the underside of the Console. Kind of like sandwiching the Boot between the underside of the Console and the plastic clip you've constructed. Doesnt matter if you get some Epoxy on the underside of the boot. Sounds harder than it actually is. Good Luck! (AC- Please collect my User Fees for me..)

Thanks for your suggestion at some point I may do the same!

Originally posted by Jerry finuf:
On this part here the cost was less than fifty dollars.-

Believe I'll order the part also,,,,but repair the existing one in the car while waiting for backordered part.
Thanks Jerry

ed monahan
Originally posted by Jerry finuf:
Ed there is no chrome bezil on the handbrake handle-Correct??Jerry

Jerry, I only drink on Sunday mornings. lol I was thinking of the shifter bezel and boot.

haystaxJust saw this on Ebay and thought it might be useful for parts:
Jerry Finuf
Originally posted by haystax:
Just saw this on Ebay and thought it might be useful for parts:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Plymouth-Prowle r-Center-Console_W0QQitemZ140018460089QQihZ004QQcategoryZ33695QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Thanks haystax-Jerry

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