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T O P I C     R E V I E W
KATBIRDpicking up bob harders kat sat and takeing back to wisconsin and was wondering if i hit some snow how do prowlers handle? was not wanting to spend the extra 400 miles to go I-40.
meandmykittyi've been in snow one time and it wasn't fun, luckily i was a few miles from home, go slow if you hit snow.
SuperKatI don't think I'd change my route, but be careful.
You'll be fine.
tangled up in BLUE...I drove across 5 states in a new Kat several years ago during a major ice/snow storm....one of the toughest trips I ever made as we traveled the interstate for a few hours at 5-15mph and could barely keep it on the raod....but it did as well as most of the cars and better than all the ones I passed that were off the road
Marty UsherI have driven my Prowler in the snow over a dozen times. It handles about like any rear wheel drive car, pick up truck, or van. Try not to stop while on an uphill section of road and have a light right foot! It would be best to drive something else but if you get caught in a snow storm or (like me) it is your only vehicle - just proceed with caution.

I wouldn't suggest loading up the Prower trailer and heading for a ski resort in the Winter!!

Snoman Hang on tight,close your eyes and pray alot!lol.
pumpkinWould snow pack up under the front wheels and fenders? Just wondering.


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"I may have to grow older, but I do not have to grow up!"

"The Prowler is not a car to go from Point A to Point B. The Prowler is the Point!"

meancatI drove mine in snow once and wrecked it


ed monahanI think it handles as well as my Flexibly Flyer. lol
Originally posted by meancat:
I drove mine in snow once and wrecked it

And now it is the only two tone Yellow that I know of lol!!!

cmblockhusSuper Kat Bird:

Congrats on the purchase of Bobs Car I know that you will be more then happy with it, the last I had heard from Holly is that someone was interested from Wisconsin. Thank you for helping them out, they are a great couple.

As for the snow I got caught once it scared the heck out of me white knuckles and all but came out ok if I had it to do over again I would go out of my way to get home to stay out of the slick stuff, those wide tires don't like it much.

God bless you for helping them and may he guide you home with a safe trip.


thanks for bringing up it was for sale in the post about the prowler that was wrecked and fixed in indy. and thanks to all that responded to my post.
Ed W.Ask Mike Spence that one. He flew to Massachsettes in Feb. (I think) & drove his Mulhiolland back to Michigan........

Ya' gotta love him !

(Picture credit goes to Mike & Karen Gatlin)

KATBIRDhappy to say we made home without haveing any snowy roads
not even any rain. only wish we could have spent more time
with holly and bob. the car was everything they said it was and then some. mass. to mi. in feb my hat is off to any
man or woman to attempt that.

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