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Forum:Technical Questions & Answers
Topic:HELP! Nitrous Oxide Evidence
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
quincyHelp! I am seeing a lot of broken engine and drive train parts in my dealer warranty returns with the LS6 and LS2 engines. (GTO, CTSv) I suspect that these people had a Nitrous system installed, grenaded the engine/trans./rear end, then removed the system when they returned the vehicle to the dealer for warranty repair. Can anyone tell me if any 'tell tale' signs of Nitrous Oxide use show up on internal engine components? For example, unique deposits on piston domes, valve heads or valve seats, or perhaps oil analysis? Any help is appreciated!
dbudnerSorry to hear Quincy. This sounds like a trick question though....
scooter1Look for tank mounting holes in the truck or package tray. Had a local guy try to get a warranty engine repair on his new VW Jetta. Dealer saw NO2 tank mounting holes in the truck, refused to repair under warranty. NO2 is great when set up correctly, total disaster if not. I still wouldn't buy a car that's had NO2 installed. Too many idiots out there that don't know how to set up NO2 system.
No, this is not a trick question. I do not know the tell tail signs of Nitrous abuse. I suspect tampering of the engine controller (pig tail plug in to over ride factory protections) or Nitrous injection. OEM drivetrains are not designed or engineered to a 4 or 5 times safety factor. Some people believe that warranty repairs (read as big $$$) should cover any modification the 'owner' sees fit to perform on the vehicle. Severe abuse beyond the design intent of any product should not be covered under any warranty. But, one must prove that 'after market' modifications were made.
Bob GoetzEasy tell if internal damage has been done as a result is pull the spark plugs,
1.look for metal particals on the ceramics
2.electrode burned off
3. look at the ceramics all the way up into the plug, if run very lean they will be white all the way up inside.

None of these are a 100% but combined with other items may help you out.

dbudnerThe toughest thing to probably nail is going to be the reprogrammer unless there is a change/update tracking mechanism in the car's controller. The nitrous would be easier because of the mounting holes as one indicator. If the engine didn't totally come apart, nitrous can sometimes cause cylinder scoring and bent wrist pins. If the engine totally scattered you would have a hard time telling what actually caused what.

This message has been edited by dbudner on 12-09-2005 at 11:21 AM

quincyThank you everyone who posted here and/or sent me private e-mails. I garnered a wealth of information, which will be of tremendous help!
hoo.haaaquincy have any follow up. Were you able to substantiate your claims of nitrous use?
quincyYes. Evidence of mounting/access holes, and internal engine 'tell tail' signs. Future warranty claims will be denied if tampering has been detected. You are are your own dollar if you want to modify your new ride!

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