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Topic:Gun Control ?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
garysssA friend sent this to me.

As an aside, I think you know that the Feds have recently purchased over 2,000,000,000, that’s 2 billion, rounds of ammunition, which they are stockpiling, not for war use. I wonder what the ammo will be used for, and why. They have also purchased 2500 mini tank type trucks that will be used by Homeland Security throughout our country. I wonder what the trucks will be used for, and why. Hmmmmmmmm

9mm Ammunition
You may not know this but George Soros owns most of the ammunition
manufacturing companies and many arms manufacturers as well. He's selling
ONLY to the government right now, per WH & DHS orders. My son works for
ATK, who owns just about all the rest of the ammunition companies that
Soros doesn't own. He tells me that ATK has been ordered by the federal
government to curtail sales of ammunition, primers and powder to the
retail market. What you see currently on the shelves is old stock and
what's left in the warehouses since the CT shootings and new stock will
NOT be appearing anytime soon. ATK and Soros' companies have more than
enough government contracts to keep them going for years to come.

Like, Soros' companies, ATK is a huge defense contractor and they've been told
to sell ONLY to the DOD, TSA, FBI, DHS and local/federal law enforcement
agencies. This is VERY scary and VERY ominous for what's coming down the
pike in the future.

My son has seen the proposed pricing schedule for Federal, CCI, Hornady,
Remington, Winchester and several other ammunition manufacturer's lines of
ammunition, components, reloading equipment (ATK owns Outers, RCBS, Hoppe
and a host of others) and he's flabbergasted! As an example, when the
sales of .22 LR bulk ammo resumes, the pricing will be over $50.00 for a
535-round Value Pak! That's nearly a dime-a-shot!! They're also going to
raise the prices by 300 - 400% on dies, presses, powder measures and the

He's in management there at ATK in Salt Lake City and they're NOT
happy with it at all! They firmly believe this will basically shut-down
the civilian market while leaving the government as the only purchaser of
their products. He saw the government pricing for the centerfire
ammunition they've been stockpiling and their prices have actually dropped
from a year ago so the feds are buying this stuff REAL cheap while we
can't even get our hands on it at all!

Something I've always said since Obummer came onto the scene in 2008 is
that, even if they can't actually ban the weapons themselves, the
government will make it nearly impossible for us civilians to feed them
with ammo, reloading components and the like. The WH doesn't HAVE to
actually ban the guns, as Biden said in one of his many faux pas,
foot-in-the-mouth, Freudian slip speeches he's famous for making.

All we have to do is to make it too expensive to use them and the public will
eventually give them back to us if we offer an attractive price for these
weapons". What's an "attractive price" - a $10.00 Walmart gift card for a
$3,000.00 custom hunting rifle? Those were his EXACT words in one of the
speeches he gave to the freshman congressmen last week! Remember, Biden
was one of the architects of the Clinton gun ban of years ago. I think
he's as dangerous to the Second Amendment as Obozo is, maybe more so,
because he's so stupid and doesn't know the muzzle of a gun from the

Feel free to pass this on so gun owners will be aware of what we're up
against. I doubt the NRA can do anything about it, IMHO. La Pierre can
get on all the talk shows he's invited to and cry the blues about the
assault weapons laws that are forthcoming from the WH but the real crux of
the matter will be whether or not we'll ever be able to purchase
ammunition (at all) or, if we can, what we'll be paying for it.

As an aside, here, I deal a LOT with Midsouth Shooters Supply for my reloading
components. Two weeks ago I ordered 500 cases each of .45 Casull, .44
Magnum, .357 Magnum and 9mm Parabellum. I was told everything I had
ordered was out-of-stock and no in-stock delivery date was being forecast.

They wouldn't even accept a backorder for this stuff! Think the
government isn't manipulating it? Think again, my friend..

BeWareThe ammo shelves have been empty in all the store in our area for months and months.

Janet Napolitano was asked by Congress well over a month ago (maybe longer) to explain why DHS needed to stockpile so much ammo. In fact they have enough ammo to wage a 20 plus year war and are still ordering more. She would not answer until just the other day she cam up with the excuse that they get a better price when they buy in bulk.

BeWareACLU says Reid’s gun legislation could threaten privacy rights, civil liberties

As Senate Democrats struggle to build support for new gun control legislation, the American Civil Liberties Union now says it’s among those who have “serious concerns” about the bill.

Those concerns have the capacity to prove a major setback to Sen. Harry Reid’s current gun bill, which includes language from earlier bills introduced by Sens. Chuck Schumer and Barbara Boxer.

In an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller, a top lobbyist for the ACLU announced that the group thinks Reid’s current gun bill could threaten both privacy rights and civil liberties.

The inclusion of universal background checks — the poll-tested lynchpin of most Democratic proposals — “raises two significant concerns,” the ACLU’s Chris Calabrese told TheDC Wednesday.

Calabrese — a privacy lobbyist — was first careful to note that the ACLU doesn’t strictly oppose universal background checks for gun purchases. “If you’re going to require a background check, we think it should be effective,” Calabrese explained.

“However, we also believe those checks have to be conducted in a way that protects privacy and civil liberties. So, in that regard, we think the current legislation, the current proposal on universal background checks raises two significant concerns,” he went on.

“The first is that it treats the records for private purchases very differently than purchases made through licensed sellers. Under existing law, most information regarding an approved purchase is destroyed within 24 hours when a licensed seller does a [National Instant Criminal Background Check System] check now,” Calabrese said, “and almost all of it is destroyed within 90 days.”

Calabrese wouldn’t characterize the current legislation’s record-keeping provision as a “national gun registry” — which the White House has denied pursuing — but he did say that such a registry could be “a second step.”

“[U]nfortunately, we have seen in the past that the creation of these types of records leads sometimes to the creation of government databases and collections of personal information on all of us,” Calabrese warned. “That’s not an inevitable result, but we have seen that happen in the past, certainly.”

“As we’ve seen with many large government databases, if you build it, they will come.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/04/04/excl usive-aclu-says-reids-gun-legislation-could-threaten-privacy-rights-civil-liberties/#ixzz2PVBOMLBz

This message has been edited by BeWare on 04-04-2013 at 08:44 AM


quote: ",,,have also purchased 2500 mini tank type trucks that will be used by Homeland Security,,,"

Homeland Security claims the border is 'more secure' than ever before... Really? Not according to recent reports:

Illegal Border Crossings Double, Border Becomes Less Secure as Beltway Gets Close to Deal on Immigration Reform

“We’ve seen the number of illegal aliens double, maybe even triple since amnesty talk started happening,” an agent toldTownhall, who asked to remain unnamed due to fears of retaliation within Customs and Border Protection [CBP], something he said is common. “A lot of these people, although not the majority, are criminals or aggravated felons. This is a direct danger to our communities.”


The illegals keep crossing in,,,,and you most likely will be supporting them.....

Michael PondLooks like we will be back to the basics. Bow and arrow, charcoal and sulfur. Maybe some diesel and fertilizer!!
phil2237The Goverment already knows they cannot take away guns, but if they can control the ammo, what good is the gun without ammo ? Seems this is what they are up to.
ed monahanOne of my sons said he just bought 3 "buckets" of ammo the other day. I have no idea how many shells are in a bucket.
It was for a semi-auto rifle that he bought at the same place. I don't know what caliber.
heynow14President Obama has been the best thing ever to happen to gun/ammo manufacturers. Playing off your fears to get in your wallet.




Originally posted by heynow14:

The 'suckers' would be those in Chicago, Detroit, LA, Washington DC, Philadelphia, New Orleans (liberal strongholds) where a gun is needed for protection,, just to walk your children down to the school bus stop....

Michael PondWhy does the Post Office and IRS need ammo ??? Why do all these civilian government groups need more ammunition than the military??
ed monahanLet's sum this up, Robert. OIL and Gun Manufacturers are booming and unemployment is still waaaaaaay too high.
A Democrat is in the White House and the Democrats control the Senate.
Change YOU can believe in. I don't believe it, personally.
I lost hope a long time ago.
heynow14Yes but wasn't it you who said "How's your stock doing?" Wel????


ed monahanYep, there was a huge run up. I missed out on that, but I am also going to miss out on the upcoming correction (read mini-crash) within the next couple of months. If you have money in the stock market, I would cash out very soon. The problems we had a few months ago, we still have, only slightly worse. The gov't is printing money at a record rate. Other countries no longer look at us as being the stabilizing monetary force in the world. We have no gold to back up the money being printed. We will soon be insignificant as far as being the world leader.
Also, please note I bailed out of the stock market BEFORE it crashed so I didn't get burned.


Let's teach kids that are interested,, about guns,,,,,responsibility starts with the parents.

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 04-08-2013 at 05:33 PM

Michael Pond
Originally posted by heynow14:
President Obama has been the best thing ever to happen to gun/ammo manufacturers. Playing off your fears to get in your wallet.

To buy ammo on the civilian market in certain calibers is almost impossible, and unavailable. It would be a good market if you could get it. Same with certain guns !Luckily, I buy mine through a Law Enforcement supply. By some miracle, IT'S AVAILABLE THERE!!

RPLI attempted to purchase some ammo today looking at four different calibers from four different Internet sellers that I've used in the past. There was NONE available regardless of manufacturer or bullet weight/type.....NONE in these calibers. That's scary!
Michael PondOver half the Sheriff's (37)in Colorado are filling a law suit against the gun laws that go into effect July 1. They say it does nothing to prevent a crime and is against the 2nd Amendment. They have been outspoken since the onset and will not enforce these laws.

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