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Topic:Great buy on Ebay!!! What do you think
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
cnote6I have a TGF set, so I don't need them but this looks like a good deal.



nitrosteveI think I would wait and see what Gary E. sells his for. They will be available soon won't they?

This message has been edited by nitrosteve on 12-09-2008 at 11:15 PM

cnote6QUOTE::::I am very happy to announce that I will be manufacturing and offering to the Prowler community the new and improve Dragon Panels originally made by Don McCormick. I want to thank Don for his help and support the past few months in our effort to again offer these great side panels to the Prowler owners.
The Dragon Panels will be hand laid fiberglass, the same high quality product I have always produced. The panels will be offered with and without the side marker lights. The aluminum darts will be offered in the basic machine finish and in chrome. There will be a improved reinforced rear/back side of the panels. I also hope to offer a light package that will be behind the grills. The price for the set of panels with the machine finish darts will be $1050, and $1125 with the chrome darts. I hope to be in production by mid January. I am sure that you will be very happy with the appearance and quality of the new Dragon Panels. Please contact me if you are interested or have any questions.:::QUOTE

Sorry I did not see this post.


Originally posted by nitrosteve:
I think I would wait and see what Gary E. sells his for. They will be available soon won't they?

I'll be doing the same Steve

The fit on these near the bottom isn't that great & I'm not sure if it's because their in primer but the corner near door looks short or rounded JMO


Northern CatMore and more of the story is coming out
on who got hold of the Panels... and the people involed

GaryE is making the Real Deal....not these quick knock offs

Note the watermark on the photos....on ebay


This message has been edited by Northern Cat on 12-10-2008 at 02:29 PM

ed monahanBob Bride died or was injured severely last month and the guy bought the panels from the estate already? I doubt that. Nothing goes thru the court system that quickly. Probate court is really slow.
I would suggest supporting GaryE who supports POA plus he will be there if something goes wrong. There are multiple panels on sale at the eBay auction so they obviously made mold from it and more will be coming available. Buyer beware.
Jim SToys, I don't think there is a problem with the fit. It looks like shadow lines to me. The picture of the panels alone looks good.

Price seems good to me. Looks like if you do not want the chrome spears, this would be a good choice.

Depending on where in LA they are, I could go by and check them out, or one of our other members if they are closer. At least you aren't sending money for a product that has not been developed. Looks like these are ready for paint if you like the look.

But, on the other hand, Gary E already has a reputation for quality and I think is close to having his ready. Either way, if you like the look, price is definetly more than fair.

dj4hireI bought the aluminum panels from the guy that got them from the estate sale. I won't be manufacturing any from the panels that I purchased. They will be painted and installed on my car. Gary's will be best quality ones made with the grill and metal bars and for a couple of dollars more a better product than the one advertised on Ebay.
meancatI just won a set from another sight, Paid $50.00 for a ticket. Can't wait to see how they fit.

That makes 3 different set's I have now.

I can change the look every month now if i want.


Originally posted by meancat:
I just won a set from another sight, Paid $50.00 for a ticket. Can't wait to see how they fit.

That makes 3 different set's I have now.

I can change the look every month now if i want.

Hey Jerry...call me
Let's get together soon after I get back from San Fran...
Long time I haven't seen you,you old slimeball!

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