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Topic:Goodbye Candy '02
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Rick RowlandI traded my Prowler off last week and now have a 2010 Camaro 2 SS/RS with a 6 speed. Yes, I know I won't get as many looks and it won't retain value as well, but hey 426HP/6 speed - what a blast! Car is red jewel (burgundy) with the white ralley hood / decklid stripes. It takes me back to 1974 when I owned a 69 Camaro 396/375. (Yeah, I should have kept that one too.) You can see the Prowler on Auto Trader.com if you search within 200 miles of zip 24541. It now sits in the showroom of Koons Chrysler/ Chev in Tysons Corner, VA. This was my second Prowler, and I enjoyed owning it, but I was frankly just too paranoid about it, and therefore did not drive it much. The longest trip I ever made in it was the 200 some miles the day I got rid of it. I know that my wife and I will drive the Camaro much more often to cruises, etc, and if it rains, or I get popped - hey its just a Camaro. Anyway, I digress- I just wanted to say what a great group of guys and gals are to be found within the Prowler hobby. I enjoyed conversing with, and learning from many of you, and trading barbs with Catfish was a free bonus. I will continue to check in from time to time, and wish each and every one health, wealth, and happy trails. Godspeed. Rick Rowland.
mikeeThat Camero is a great looking car. Enjoy. You can always come baack and buy another Prowler if you decide you made a mistake. I bet it is nice to have a warrantee again.

This message has been edited by mikee on 08-13-2010 at 09:44 PM

meancatRick I bought one for my son but mine is yellow, But I did not get rid of my prowler. You should have kept your prowler and give it a rest. I think your going to love your Camaro it alot of fun.


garysssHey Rick, I also have that same Camaro in Yellow with Black stripes. It is a lot of fun, but I also keep my Prowlers. Just wondering if you don't mine. How much did they give you on trade in? Thanks, Gary
Rick Rowland I just saw my old Prowler on ebay. There is only 1 1/2 hrs left. Bid is currently $26,100 with reserve not met.I believe around $31K might buy it. It is on autotrader for $32.5K. I would be happy to answer any questions about the car for a prospective enthusiast/buyer. It is a good prowler, all documented, never damaged. Go for it guys! ps I installed a Hurst shifter in the Camaro SS today, and I am going for 4.10 gears next. I've got to tell you - I love putting that bad boy through the box! If only I was as rich as most of you guys, I would own both! The better news is that I am retiring in Feb at age 55 after a 23 year career as an airline pilot.
JeraneWSorry you traded your Kat, but there is a time for all of us to say "goodbye." I retired at age 56 and never regretted a minute. You made a smart move.
Rick RowlandIt sold for $30K. A good buy.
Originally posted by JeraneW:
Sorry you traded your Kat, but there is a time for all of us to say "goodbye." I retired at age 56 and never regretted a minute. You made a smart move.

If I retire in two years at 56, will you support me? (financially)LOL

Rick RowlandYou definitely have my full support! err... just NOT financially LOL! (Unfortunately the current regime in Washington seems to think that any of us who have made the right decisions and have been blessed also, should support everybody else who never saved, signed mortgages way over their head, etc, etc)

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