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Topic:Going going gone
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
George MaxeyThe car is going away. Will be delivered to it's new home in Missouri next week. Who knows, maybe I'll get a few more crazy ideas and have to pick up another one.
The October issue of Performance Auto and Sound will have a nice feature with some very positive things to say about the Prowler.
This is a great site with a bunch of great people. Thanks for puttin' up with me.
I'll post a few pictures of the new project soon

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392HEMIGeorge, good luck on the next project. We appreciated you bringing your car over to The Villages last March and wow was it a HIT. Good Luck. Jim
Randy CobbGeorge:

Best of luck on the next project.

Remember the "shark gill" panel days?
Hell of a job on the Prowler.

You've got to have some kind of project going on and you only do things first class,so we all will be interested in what you have on the drawing board.

Please stay in touch.

Marty UsherGeorge - I am sure the new owner will really excited about owning one awesome Prowler! Best of luck on getting your new masterpiece show ready!


David Veu CasovicGeorge
Good luck with the new project. The FLORIDA KAT PACK will miss you and the Prowler.Keep in touch with the FKPack and POA.
brianwlongIn my opinion....whoever gets it is getting a piece of automotive history....not only in the concept and design of the prowler, but what you've done to it....man I hate to see such a showstopper, or should I say show winner go to a new home.....BEST OF LUCK GEORGE!!!!
RicksterWhere in Missouri is it going? Anywhere near StLouis?



First Jay Harris moving,DQ selling his kat and

now you selling your kat. What a loss for Florida

Kat Pack. I know your next project will be outstanding.

Kol Cat,Gene

This message has been edited by KOL CAT on 09-01-2006 at 09:43 AM

BeWareGeorge what ever happned to the Willys project?



has been a pleasure to have met you and your extensively modified Prowler, good luck on your next project!
Take care George!


CJTruly a unique car, George........good luck on your next project.
Nasty Catdid you get any last photos of the prowler?

what will happen to the website? http://www.1hotconqueroo.com/



George MaxeyThe ";ast" pictures are the next issue of PERFORMANCE AUTO & SOUND. The website Not sure what's gonna happen.
Thanks to everyone for the kind words.
Hell, now I thinkin' about putting the 32 Coupe up for sale.

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dpenaHey George,

Sorry to see conqueroo go away.... I know how it feels to let go of a favorite driving machine.

Talk to you soon!!

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Nasty Cathere is a link of the article http://www.pasmag.com/article.asp?ID=361

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