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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Gloria Allred throws illegal immigrant under the bus for political gain
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BeWareSo the left is the champion of illegal immigrants, then explain this. Just for the record this woman should be thrown out of the country IMO. But this shows how two faced the left is and how they will say or do anything to gain or maintain political power.

http://gretawire.blogs.foxnews.com/gloria-allred-goes-on-the-record/c omment-page-3/?action=late-new&order

This message has been edited by BeWare on 10-05-2010 at 04:10 PM

BeWareThis poor abused houskeeper was paid $23 an hour.

Meg Whitman responds
http://online.wsj.com/video/meg-whitman-responds-to-recent-all egations/B279FE10-EBCC-4E6B-9AA4-7359759E6F50.html

The fake documents

Meg Whitman Statement:

"Nicky Diaz was my housekeeper from 2000 to 2009. We consider Nicky a friend of our family and were saddened this morning to hear about her legal action.

After 9 years of faithful service, Nicky came to us in June 2009 and confessed that she was an illegal worker. Nicky had falsified the hiring documents and personal information she provided to the employment agency that brought her to us in 2000. Nicky told me that she was admitting her deception now because she was aware that her lie might come out during the campaign. Nicky said she was concerned about hurting my family and me.

As required by law, once we learned she was an illegal worker, I immediately terminated Nicky's employment. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I considered Nicky a friend and a part of our extended family.

I am deeply worried about Nicky and her family. I believe Nicky is being manipulated by Gloria Allred for political and financial purposes during the last few weeks of a hotly contested election. This is a shameful example of the politics of personal destruction practiced by people like Jerry Brown and Gloria Allred. The charges are without merit. I will continue to focus my campaign on the issues that the people of California want to hear about: jobs, education and fixing our broken budget system in Sacramento."


As early as 1999, Meg Whitman and Griff Harsh retained a placement agency in California to assist them in finding a qualified applicant for in-home domestic services.

In May 2000, Nicandra Diaz-Santillan filled out a standard application provided by the agency. She provided the agency with a social security number and California driver's license number as well as filling out a standard employment application including references of prior employers over a lengthy period of time.

In November 2000, Nicandra Diaz-Santillan was hired by Meg Whitman. At the time she was hired, she filled out a standard IRS form W-4 and U.S. Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service form I-9. Ms. Diaz provided a copy of her Social Security Card and her California Driver's License. Ms. Diaz signed the I-9 stating under penalty of perjury that she was a lawful Permanent Resident Alien.

During her employment, Meg Whitman paid state and federal income tax and provided Ms. Diaz with a standard IRS form W-2.

On or about, June 20, 2009, Ms. Diaz came to Meg Whitman and Dr. Harsh and confessed that she was not a legal resident and that she had used her sister's documents to gain employment. Diaz was immediately suspended.

On or about Monday, June 29, 2009, Meg Whitman informed Ms. Diaz that her employment was terminated.

There has been no further contact between Ms. Diaz and Meg Whitman since her termination.

Allred Is A Partisan Democrat And Long Time Supporter Of Jerry Brown:

Allred donated $1,000 to Jerry Brown in 1982.

Allred donated $150 to Jerry Brown in 2006.

The Associated Press Reported That "Allred is a Democratic superdelegate who has given money to Whitman's challenger, Democratic nominee Jerry Brown."

In 2007, Allred said on CNN that she knows Jerry Brown "personally."

Allred has contributed tens of thousands of dollars to exclusively democratic candidates and causes.

Allred is a registered democrat in California.

Jerry Brown sitting next to Gloria on CSPAN panel in 94.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 10-05-2010 at 04:23 PM

BeWareMeg Whitman's Husband Responds to Allegations, Says it was 'Possible' he Saw the Letter

The ball is now back in attorney Gloria Allred's court. Dr. Griff Harsh, the husband of Republican gubernatorial candidate and former eBay CEO Meg Whitman, this afternoon released a statement regarding today's allegation that he knew their housekeeper was an illegal immigrant for at least seven years. A letter apparently from the Social Security Administration notified the couple in 2003 that Nicky Diaz's name and submitted social security number did not match. Dr. Harsh allegedly wrote "Nicky, please check this, thanks" on the letter and left it at that.

When news broke yesterday that Whitman and her husband were accused of knowingly hiring an illegal immigrant, she outright denied it. But Allred today produced the Social Seucirty document that apparently proves the couple -- or at least her husband -- knew about it. With today's news, Dr. Harsh now says it was "possible" he saw the Social Security letter.

"While I honestly do not recall receiving this letter, as it was sent to me seven years ago, I can say it is possible that I would've scratched a follow up note on a letter like this, which is a request for information to make certain Nicky received her Social Security benefits and W-2 tax refund for withheld wages," he said in a statement released shortly before 3 p.m. "Since we believed her to be legal, I would have had no reason to suspect that she would not have filled it in and done what was needed to secure her benefits."
Dr. Harsh emphasized that letter said "'this letter makes no statement about your employee's immigration status."

The rest of his statement is below:

The essential fact remains the same, neither Meg nor I believed there was a problem with Nicky's legal status and I certainly don't recall ever discussing it with my wife, nor did I ever show her any letter about it. The facts of this matter are very clear: Ms. Diaz broke the law and lied to us and to the employment agency. When she confessed her deception to us last year, we ended her employment immediately. Meg and I played by the rules and followed the law. Ms. Diaz did not. If, as she claims, she received this letter and note of inquiry from me, she never answered my request to look into this. Instead, she choose to continue her deception. This entire matter is a sad one and it's timing is clearly the result of a calculated and cynical political smear by Meg's opponents.
Allred earlier today said she has even more evidence. Tick, tock.

BeWareSo let me guess who the left is going to believe. I am guessing they will believe the illegal immigrant who lied on and signed legal documents and also obtained a falsified social security card and drivers license.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 10-05-2010 at 04:32 PM

ALLEY CAT"This poor abused (illegal) houskeeper was paid $23 an hour."

Hundreds of thousands of American are now out of work,,,,,and can't find a $10-$12 an hour job,,yet this illegal was making that much money cleaning the house?

I'm not saying housecleaning isn't worth that much money,,,,I'm saying an illegal making that, for that job, is out of line with reality. There are thousands of U.S. citizens doing that job, and in all hotels, who don't make half that much! Well its California,,,,I should have figured that out........................

Kara L. Kraemer
Yakima Conservative Examiner

Nicky Diaz is an illegal alien but, not to worry, Gloria Allred found a legal use for her

This plight of Nicky Diaz, former housekeeper for Meg Whitman from 2000 to 2009, became well known Tuesday morning after Gloria Allred announced she was representing Nicky. Allred went on to accuse that Meg Whitman knew for some time that she was employing an undocumented worker because in 2003, the Social Security Administration sent a letter to the Whitmans showing a mismatch in name and social security number.

Within 12 hours of the announcement, the SEIU invested $5M in ad buy for Spanish language media to further publicize the issue.

Not remembering any such letter from seven years ago and seeing Allred's claim as an attempt to smear her as a candidate against Jerry Brown, Meg Whitman immediately denied the claim.

Gloria Allred then holds a second press conference this past Thursday to reveal a 'smoking gun;' i.e., the letter from the Social Security Administration with a handwritten note on it, "Nicky, please check this, thanks," made by Whitman's husband. Allred challenged:

•"Now that we've shown you the evidence, let's see if [Whitman is] going to deny it."
Many observers immediately recognized holes in this smoking gun story: 1) Whitman went through an agency, Town and Country Resources. She paid FICA, and she paid well above minimum wages. She, therefore, received no advantage in purposely hiring an illegal. 2) If Whitman fired her for political reasons because she feared it would be found out that Diaz was there illegally, she would have done so sooner, probably before her official gubernatorial announcement. Instead, she waited six months after running for office to fire her.

Nicky lied about her status as a legal worker with a drivers license, a social security card (Whose social security number did Nicky Diaz steal anyway?), and she signed an I-9 form stating that she was legally allowed to work in the United States. It wasn't until after Whitman was running for governor that Nicky told the family that she was really an illegal alien.

In spite of being attached to her as part of the family, the Whitmans had no choice but to terminate Nicky's employment. It probably was not the reaction Nicky had hoped for. After all, losing a $23 an hour job is quite a blow. Luckily, or so it would appear, Gloria Allred is to the rescue to console her with kind words, hugs, and promises of retribution.

Moving on, legal experts and government officials have confirmed the letter which Allred calls a 'smoking gun' has nothing to do with Nicky’s immigration status. The letter does say that it cannot be used as a means for termination of the employee.

The Social Security Administration website says that when employers receive a no-match letter, they are supposed to verify whether or not it is a typographical error and ask their employee to contact the local Social Security office. This is to the advantage of the employee to make sure they can collect all the benefits due them for their work.

According to attorney Angelo Paparelli:

•"Ordinarily, if an agency is paid to recruit someone, the agency should do the employment eligibility verification and the employer might not be required to do anything."
If Whitman did suspect Nicky was here illegally and asked for further proof of legal status, she could have been accused of discrimination by the Justice Department. The Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices routinely sues employers who try to avoid hiring illegal aliens.

Whitman's husband has since admitted he must have seen the letter, though he didn't recall it.

•"While I honestly do not recall receiving this letter, as it was sent to me seven years ago, I can say it is possible that I would've scratched a follow up note on a letter like this, which is a request for information to make certain Nicky received her Social Security benefits and W-2 tax refund for withheld wages. Since we believed her to be legal, I would have had no reason to suspect that she would not have filled it in and done what was needed to secure her benefits.
•"The essential fact remains the same, neither Meg nor I believed there was a problem with Nicky's legal status and I certainly don't recall ever discussing it with my wife, nor did I ever show her any letter about it. The facts of this matter are very clear: Ms. Diaz broke the law and lied to us and to the employment agency. When she confessed her deception to us last year, we ended her employment immediately."
•"Meg and I played by the rules and followed the law. Ms. Diaz did not. If, as she claims, she received this letter and note of inquiry from me, she never answered my request to look into this. Instead, she choose to continue her deception. This entire matter is a sad one and it's timing is clearly the result of a calculated and cynical political smear by Meg's opponents."
This 'smoking-gun' letter has turned out to be much ado about nothing, except now it leads to Gloria Allred's true motivations. She is the one who seems to be doing all the denying (avoidance, actually) when it comes to the question of whether or not she has cooked up this scheme to frame Whitman with the Jerry Brown campaign.

Known as a Democratic activist who once before got into the middle of a California Governor race, Allred is also a former campaign worker for Jerry Brown. In fact, she knows him personally.

She will not reveal how she found Nicky Diaz as a client, nor does she care to have known who is paying her or how much she is being paid to represent Nicky.

Randy Shandobil reported that Brown campaign operatives knew of this issue weeks before Gloria Allred held her press conference.

Once again, tricks of the left are exposed simply by showing a few extra facts. No wonder liberals can't stand Fox news and talk radio.

By the way, is this job that Nicky held one of those jobs Americans just won't take--housekeeping for 15 hours a week at $23 an hour?

HowardLet's not forget for $23.00 hour she cleaned the windows and toilets.

$23.00 times 40 hours week equals $920.00 week

$920.00 week times 52 weeks equals $47,800.00 year

47,800.00 year times 9 years equals $430,560.00

She probably never paid any taxes. Lets say 25% tax.

Taxes due $107,640.00

She probably received a nice Christmas bonus each year.

She was probably well feed and maybe lived at the house rent free.

It is very easy to see why she is complaining. LOL

Originally posted by Howard:
Let's not forget for $23.00 hour she cleaned the windows and toilets.

$23.00 times 40 hours week equals $920.00 week

$920.00 week times 52 weeks equals $47,800.00 year

47,800.00 year times 9 years equals $430,560.00

She probably never paid any taxes. Lets say 25% tax.

Taxes due $107,640.00

She probably received a nice Christmas bonus each year.

She was probably well feed and maybe lived at the house rent free.

It is very easy to see why she is complaining. LOL

Howard to be fair she apparently only worked 15 hours a week. That's $345.00 a week which is $17,940 a year. She did receive tax refunds from the IRS. These housekeepers normally work at more than one house a week. But there is no mention of that or what other employers she might have worked for and lied to.

blackcat http://www.tvsquad.com/2010/10/04/greta-van-susteren-cross-examines-gloria-allred-about-meg-whitma/
heynow14Need a job?


Originally posted by heynow14:
Need a job?

Nope I have a Job. You need to send this to people taking welfare. In fact I have worked for 46 + years. and continue to work full time even though I could retire and drawing Social Security. By working hard and always seeking to improve myself I eventually started making and continue to make an respectable wage. I have done this with only a high school education and working my a$$ off to be the best at any job I was given. After the military and Vietnam, my first job was making minimum wage rebuilding military flight line fire engines. I soon realized this was a dead end job and I needed to earn a higher wage to better support myself and my wife, I went to working 60 hours a week pumping gas at an Exxon gas station so that I could make more money. But I still knew that is not where I wanted to be and by then I had a baby on the way. So I started applying for jobs at various corporations. Eventually I was offered and accepted a job working in the mail room of a major corporation. I was sorting and delivering mail internally and I might add for less money than I earned pumping gas. But I knew if I worked harder and smarter than anyone else, that I could build myself a career and a better life.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 10-06-2010 at 11:20 PM

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