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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Glenn Beck Exposes Obama's Fraudulent History and Radicalized Beliefs
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
KlasKatThis really tells the entire story and what he really is.


ed monahan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f36ZbzL-9Yo

padrooMaybe this will help.

When he speaks he really gets his fact together.

ed monahanThat link doesn't work for me.

Did Beck make up what Obama said about Selma and his birthdate ?

padrooI didn't watch it because I don't do Glenn Beck. I am not good at filtering out his BS. I can pick up children's books if I want to read a fairy tail.
beachcatLast I heard, Glenn Beck has been re-born. That video was prior to his re-birth
ALLEY CATLong ago,,,after watching two or three of his tv shows with his pathetic delivery and use of multiple diagrams and graphs,,,,I felt like he was trying to reach the minds of 3rd grade students or the Duck Dynasty crowd. I never watched or listened to him after that. On rare occasion I'll get a Glen Beck editorial email,,,which I immediately delete.

Being a Mormon,,I'm thinking Beck will soon be stumping for Romney to run in '16. With Beck's support that's a good enough reason for me not to support a 2016 Romney campaign....

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
Long ago,,,after watching two or three of his tv shows with his pathetic delivery and use of multiple diagrams and graphs,,,,I felt like he was trying to reach the minds of 3rd grade students or the Duck Dynasty crowd. I never watched or listened to him after that. On rare occasion I'll get a Glen Beck editorial email,,,which I immediately delete.

Being a Mormon,,I'm thinking Beck will soon be stumping for Romney to run in '16. With Beck's support that's a good enough reason for me not to support a 2016 Romney campaign....


padrooYears ago I watched his TV show and even though I didn't agree with everything he said at least he didn't turn me off back then and then something changed.

Years ago I watched his TV show and even though I didn't agree with everything he said at least he didn't turn me off back then....... and then something changed.

Yeah,,he changed and went totally whackjob. Best thing Fox News did was boot his butt out the back door. His shows won't compete with the Duck Dynasty time slots,,,,or he'd lose most of his listeners

Originally posted by attyedhall:


I also agree. I also stopped listening to Hannity & Limbaugh.

Some People I do listen to.

Charles Krauthammer
Brit Hume
Bill O'Reilly (most of the time)
Greta Van Susteren
Megyn Kelly
Bret Baier
Steve Hayes
Jonah Goldberg
Dana Perino

This message has been edited by BeWare on 01-28-2015 at 04:06 PM

padrooAnd I thought you guys were going to jump all over me. Who would have thunk! lol
ed monahanThat clip is literally the very first time I ever saw him. I had heard his name but never saw him. I don't watch FOX news except about once a year when the normal TV schedule is out of whack due to a football game or the Pres. speech.
mslc10 im with you Klas....Beck has a fairly large news gathering machine (the blaze) and his own network on-line. romney is way off base with beck BTW.

Caution: I AM an Armed Infidel!
Make em eat pork!

This message has been edited by mslc10 on 01-28-2015 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by BeWare:
I also agree. I also stopped listening to Hannity & Limbaugh.

Some People I do listen to.

Megyn Kelly

Love, LOVE watching, um I mean listening to Megyn Kelly!!!

KlasKatBeck has changed a great deal since leaving FOX, some good things and some bad. I just like that he is not part of the talking heads on both sides and gives some very good views on the crap in D.C. As far as who I watch I will agree with most of them except Greta Van Susteren. Her voice just turns me off and I found out the other day she is a Scientologist. Anyone who believes in that crap does has been brain washed.

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