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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:George W. Bush
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
galaxieA plane is about to crash. There are 5 people on board, but only 4 parachutes. The 1st passenger says: I'm Renaldo the best football player in the world. My fans need me and I can't die, so he grabs the 1st parachute and jumps out of the plane. The 2nd person, Hillary Clinton, says: I'm the wife of the former president. I'm the Senator of New York and might be the next president of the U.S.. She grabs a parachute and jumps off the plane. The 3rd person, George W Bush says: I'm the President of the United States and have huge responsibilities in the world. Besides I'm the SMARTEST President in the history of our country and can't shun my responsibilities to my people by dying. He grabs a pack and jumps off the plane. The 4th person, the Pope says to the 5th person, a young school boy; I'm old and lived my life as a good person, as a Priest should and so I shall leave the last parachute for you. To this the little boy says: Don't fret old man......there is a parachute for each of us. The SMARTEST President of America, George W Bush took my school bag.
meandmykittyif this would just happen we'd all be happy.
Randy CobbI can enjoy a good joke like most and got a chuckle out of this one, but meandmykitty......don't include me in your "all" category of those who you say would be happy with our President's demise.

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