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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Gen. Colin Powell Endorses Obama
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
heynow14This election is OVER. Obama by a landslide.


Originally posted by heynow14:
This election is OVER. Obama by a landslide.

And, therefore, the US is over as well. Socialism here we come.

Originally posted by heynow14:
This election is OVER. Obama by a landslide.

I thought the Libs said Colin Powell was a liar and helped get us in the war with Iraq.

Originally posted by bjprowler:
I thought the Libs said Colin Powell was a liar and helped get us in the war with Iraq.

To the democRATS, he was a liar until he endorsed Nobama. Now he's OK.

ed monahan
Originally posted by heynow14:
This election is OVER. Obama by a landslide.

Maybe due to ACORN but I think that organization is in deep doo-doo, especially here in Ohio.

ALLEY CATYo'Bama advanced his agenda through the DemoRat primaries,,,by stating his position against the Iraq war, and won his party's nomination for president.

Powell SOLD the need for the Iraq War to Congress and the United Nations.

Now, Yo'Bama accepts the endorsement from Powell.

HYPOCRISY,,,,,at it's finest!

IMO,,,,I see this 'last minute endorsement' more as a sour grapes slap at the Bush administration,,than it is a real support move for the Messiah. If Powell really believes the rhetoric he was spewing sunday,,,,why didn't he support and campaign for Yo'Bama much earlier? Not buying it.....

PROWLEUAnd they say it's not racial at all.
carguybillRace trumps reason.

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