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Topic:Front brakes
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Eric WolfHas anyone installed the Hyperdrive slot rotor and 4 piston calipers and are there worth the money?
Todd CameronI know two of the guys here who have, my vote is yes... the only reason I haven't is lack of the $ to do so.
MarineGunsDo they reduce stopping distance, give you a better feel for the brakes or just look good? Just asking because I honestly don't know.

Other then for looks, I thought a brake setup like that was only useful if you track the vehicle to help dissipate heat and prevent fade.


00 Silver Prowler
93 Viper RT/10
96 Ram 1500
95 Chrysler LHS
96 Neon

Eric WolfThese should stop better since they have 4 pistons rather than 1, I will also get braided lines and special brake fluid, this increases performance more.
Larry LordIf you buy them, buy them for looks, don't buy them for safety.

You already have more than enough front brake in a Prowler.

Ask yourself,,,,have you ever experiencd any fading of your brakes due to overheating or overuse? If not, what are you gaining other than looks by spending your money?

They do look great!

KatAddictI have them, love the looks, do not seem to stop any sooner but have not tested. 12 pounds of weight reduction is the real benefit....!!!!
Eric WolfI find that the braking is much poorer when pulling a loaded trailer.
Maybe it's my driving????
Todd CameronThese not only have a 2 piston caliper, but are also another inch larger on the circumferance, this equals into a dramatically better brake, remember, 80% of your braking power is the front wheels. Take off the front brakes sometime and see how well you don't stop! While our stock brakes are good, yes, they can be improoved... and these are the improovement.
Larry Lord
Originally posted by Eric Wolf:
I find that the braking is much poorer when pulling a loaded trailer.


Take the weight of your car with you in it (about 3100 pounds) and add another 15% for the weight of your trailer and contents (about 450 pounds) and you will see why it takes longer to stop. You are now trying to stop 3550 pounds instead of 3100 pounds. Due to the forces of momentum and not having any brakes on your trailer, it just takes longer to stop than it did without the trailer in tow.

Want to stop it faster? Just press harder on your brake pedal. This sounds simple but in reality you will probably just lock-up your front tires when you do this. Brakes are only as good as the traction your tires allow.

Remember this,,,Brakes stop the tires,,,Tires stop the car.

Unless you are experiencing fading or overheating of your brakes from abuse or overworking them, you will stop much better with stickier tires than you will with better brakes.
I have yet to ever feel the need for better front brakes even while towing my fully loaded trail down twisty mountain grades at very high speeds and during very aggressive driving.

Eric WolfThanks all for the info.
Black Tie 161To add to Larry Lord's post...I remember reading that the brakes were designed for maximum effeciency given the front traction. It seems that the (concept?) brakes were originally very grabby making the front tires lock up and possibly flat spot. They tuned the design so that the brakes grab utilizing the maximum traction allowed by the front tires.

Hope this helps....

Jim SEric, I have the Hyperdrive brakes on my cat. Like Larry said, buy them for the looks not because they are any better than the stock system. I liked the looks, and forked over the money for them. Plain and simple. For those that have traveled with Larry, you know the car/trailer gets pushed hard on any mountain road you come to (and thats putting it mildly). If the stock system will hold up for Larry, they will hold up for anyone!

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