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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Foxy Knoxy--Justice? Or travesty of...?
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Tytanium-KAmanda Knox....26 years....Guilty/Innocent? Comments....
catfishdont really know,didnt hear much about the case,usually when and if they did,especially in another country,youre usually screwed,unless its the usa.


meancatIt is A shame. She will win on appeal. ( I hope )


This message has been edited by meancat on 12-07-2009 at 06:33 AM

ALLEY CATIf the glove didn't fit,,,you must acquit.

Well that didn't happen...

As a private citizen, once you leave your country, you are on your own. Looked like the evidence was stacked against her by that crooked prosecutor?

Dave MillsI didn't follow the case. When you are in another country, their laws and administering them is their hands. A harsh price to pay, but that's the way it is.
Originally posted by Dave Mills:
I didn't follow the case. When you are in another country, their laws and administering them is their hands. A harsh price to pay, but that's the way it is.

I AGREE--was stationed in Greece <Crete> 35 years ago & I recall one of our [U.S.] Airmen was caught smoking mari-jane. Our Gov't shipped him back to the States BEFORE the Greek Gov't had time to react/arrest/process the case.

Wise decision then--AND NOW! Altho' I do support the way they incarcerate their own AND strongly feel the US should adopt the leaving of each prisoner's feeding up to their respective family/families--if not for that, they would die--as foreign govt's DO NOT FEED THEIR PRISONERS! Look how much $$$$ that would save U.S. taxpayers alone, should we adopt such a system!

ALLEY CATMan of Metal,,

Our Sheriff Joe works along those lines,,,,

the guard dogs eat better than the inmates, lol.

tangled up in BLUE
Originally posted by Tytanium-K:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Dave Mills:
[B]I didn't follow the case. When you are in another country, their laws and administering them is their hands. A harsh price to pay, but that's the way it is.

I AGREE--was stationed in Greece <Crete> 35 years ago & I recall one of our [U.S.] Airmen was caught smoking mari-jane. Our Gov't shipped him back to the States BEFORE the Greek Gov't had time to react/arrest/process the case.

Wise decision then--AND NOW! Altho' I do support the way they incarcerate their own AND strongly feel the US should adopt the leaving of each prisoner's feeding up to their respective family/families--if not for that, they would die--as foreign govt's DO NOT FEED THEIR PRISONERS! Look how much $$$$ that would save U.S. taxpayers alone, should we adopt such a system!


...one of the sadder things I ever ran into thru the years wss visiting a mission for the homeless during the dinner hour, the day before Christmas...a paper towel for a plate, one slice of bread, one very thin slice of bologna, a small spoonful of pork&beans in a 4oz portion cup and a glass of water...all the people(40-50) were in line, quiet, orderly and anxious to dine on the small helpings...some could have had jobs, some probably did, and some will never be able to support themselves or a family, totally dependant on the handouts of others...some may have had families, some didn't, but most of all, no one seemed to care about them except the people in charge of the mission...they were disposable people

...prison, not everyone should be there(many should be executed before they arrive)but I have always felt a human being deserves to be fed, regardless of the circumstances...cut down on entertainment, clothing, air conditioning, anything else, but food and water should be there for all, and equal for all

Originally posted by tangled up in BLUE:
I have always felt a human being deserves to be fed, regardless of the circumstances...cut down on entertainment, clothing, air conditioning, anything else, but food and water should be there for all, and equal for all

So, we can agree to disagree, Larry! That's the USA!

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