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Topic:Foggy headlights
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
weswmanThe last 2 times I've had my car running, the headlights are fogging up. I don't run the car much but at shows sometimes it's runnin at idle for a little while. I never had this problem before when I used to drive it all the time. Anybody know how to make this stop? It's super irritating when it does it at a show. Let me know. Thanks, Wes
xtreme prowlerI had the same problem when I had the interior light reflector painted, once they have been taken apart moisture gets in and is hellish to get out... I never did get mine out... maybe the headlight covers have the gasket twisted and water got in that way..... Used to drive me crazy when I showed the car.... I solved the problem by shaving off the headlights.... good luck...
jimsuttonMy head lights did the same thing ... look under the hood and on the top of the headlight housing there is a small cap this is where the alignment screws are . the cap might not be tight push it down firmly or pull it off and put some rubber caulking on the edges and push it back on .I fixed mine this way ..
WINDY CITY PROWLERTo get rid of the moisture in your headlights you pull off those 2 black plugs on each side under the hood to get the moisture out.
catfishyou dont need to pull those out they are vents,if you have a lot of moisture in them you need to replace the top cover,black part, seals.mopar use to sell them ,but may be discontinued.donot retighten to tight or it will crack.


catfishyou dont need to pull those out they are vents,if you have a lot of moisture in them you need to replace the top cover,black part, seals.mopar use to sell them ,but may be discontinued.donot retighten to tight or it will crack.if your getting moisture you have a leak in the light,usually those cover seals are squashed or twisted in the groove.if those seals are no longer available,you can use 3m stripcaulk as a replacement.


This message has been edited by catfish on 09-03-2011 at 05:31 PM

ed monahanIf they are foggy, pull the top plugs to help air them out more quickly. You can use a hair dryer to speed it up even more.
Is it all the time or only after a rain, or when you wash the car?
weswmanPretty much all the time. I'm gonna try to replace the top covers. They're only 8 bucks a piece. Maybe I'll take the plugs out too. Doesn't sound like I need them.
ed monahanIf the plugs aren't in, water will get in the headlight when you wash it or get caught in the rain. Only take them out to dry out the headlight more quickly.

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