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Topic:Florida to New York
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Mr.McgooI have a hard top in FL and was hoping maybe someone might be taking a trip north even anywhere close that I could meet up to transfer the top. It is just really hard trying to get the top crated properly for shipping so there would be no damage. Any help is appreciated. Thanks



Where is the top in FL? If near Orlando you could have the owner drop it off at Exotic Car Transport in Ocoeee and they could transport the top to you....they have 3-5 trucks a week to & from FL to the Northeast. You could meet them some place central in NY in order to keep cost down.

Brian K. Richardson
West Palm Beach, FL

1997 Purple W/ 1997 Mopar Trailer
TGF Metalcrafters Rear Spoiler ~ Mopar Borla Prowler Exhaust ~ Splash Guards(Front + Back) ~ Ceramic brake pads (front) ~ "Cracked Ice" shimmers on rear bumpers ~ Magic Touch Design 2.2 Air Intake ~ Purple Painted Shift Bezel ~ Trailer Leather Bra ~ Complete, Speaker Upgrade ~ Front Suspension Brace ~ 2001 Prowler Ignition Key ~ Louvered Transmission Cover ~ Flamed Panther Prowler "Cat-Skins" seat covers.

Mr.McgooThe top is in Pompano beach, my biggest concern is to get it home without it getting damaged. I will try and contact them to see if they would be willing to do it and how it would have to be crated./ Thanks for the info




http://www.exoticcartransport.com is the website address.

They have 1-2 trucks a week in Pampano Beach to pick up new cars at Champion Porsche dealership and ship them to the North East. I guess it's cheaper to buy Porsche in FL and ship it north?

Brian K. Richardson
West Palm Beach, FL

1997 Purple W/ 1997 Mopar Trailer
TGF Metalcrafters Rear Spoiler ~ Mopar Borla Prowler Exhaust ~ Splash Guards(Front + Back) ~ Ceramic brake pads (front) ~ "Cracked Ice" shimmers on rear bumpers ~ Magic Touch Design 2.2 Air Intake ~ Purple Painted Shift Bezel ~ Trailer Leather Bra ~ Complete, Speaker Upgrade ~ Front Suspension Brace ~ 2001 Prowler Ignition Key ~ Louvered Transmission Cover ~ Flamed Panther Prowler "Cat-Skins" seat covers.

spoonsIf that does not work... We could possible work something out. I could drive down to Pampano Beach & pick it up. Then at my house I could package it up really nicely and ship it to you via UPS.

Brian K. Richardson
West Palm Beach, FL

1997 Purple W/ 1997 Mopar Trailer
TGF Metalcrafters Rear Spoiler ~ Mopar Borla Prowler Exhaust ~ Splash Guards(Front + Back) ~ Ceramic brake pads (front) ~ "Cracked Ice" shimmers on rear bumpers ~ Magic Touch Design 2.2 Air Intake ~ Purple Painted Shift Bezel ~ Trailer Leather Bra ~ Complete, Speaker Upgrade ~ Front Suspension Brace ~ 2001 Prowler Ignition Key ~ Louvered Transmission Cover ~ Flamed Panther Prowler "Cat-Skins" seat covers.

MDProwlerCom'n Prowler owners. Let's get Gary's hardtop up to New York. Sounds like Spoons can pick it up for the first leg. I can get it from Maryland To New Jersey. Chime in and fill in the gaps. Let's make it happen!
spoonsYa ... we could all pull together and it will be like the passing of the Olympic torch.

This message has been edited by spoons on 07-16-2006 at 08:16 PM

chasmccartTake a vacation and drive down there to get it.
Then you know it won't be damaged in shipping.
DIXIE CatMr McGoo or Spoons...Is the top at a dealership or an individual's home? If you haven't made the purchase yet, we would be happy to check it out for you but our cat has already made the move out of state and I don't think it would fit in our truck bed?
Maybe GUB is heading north. GUB/Sandy...where are you??
spoonsDixie Cat,

For Clarity.... Exotic Car Transport is at Champions Porsche dealership every week. When I shipped my Prowler north with them I brought my car to the Champion Porsche dealership when one of their trucks was there...which made it easier and cheaper to ship because it is a main pickup location. Therefore, if Exotic Car Transport would ship the top...the private individual would then bring the top to Champion dealership on the date & time they are in Pampano beach. See how it works now?

DIXIE CatBrian...
Reread my post questions. I wasn't asking that but thanks so much for all the info.
Mr.McgooThank you all,

The top is already paid for it is just the matter of trying to get it home safely. I will have to give exotics a call to see how they would transport it north and what they require it to be in. I was just hoping timing wise someone might of been heading north and I could have met them somewhere on the route. As they say timing is everything. Thanks again


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