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Topic:First Presidential Forum Conducted in Spanish
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BeWareHere are some highlights of what the Democrats said

Hilary Clinton

"We all know that this has become a contentious political issue," Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) said. "It is being demagogued, and I believe that it is being used to bash immigrants, and that must stop. The Republican candidates need to understand that they are doing a great disservice to our country."

Clinton and Obama (note its the part of more rights to illegals that disturbs me).

Salinas and Ramos, meanwhile, delivered challenges of their own. Dodd, Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.) were called to account for their votes to build a fence on the U.S.-Mexico border. All three noted their support for broader rights for Latino immigrants, both legal and illegal, but they said tighter border security is important. "That has to be part of comprehensive immigration reform," Clinton said, adding that in some points she supported "even a physical barrier."

Bill Richardson

Richardson called the fence "a horrendous example of misguided Washington policy."

"If you're going to build a 12-foot wall, you know what's going to happen," he said. "A lot of 13-foot ladders. This is a terrible symbol of America."

John Edwards

Former senator John Edwards (N.C.) bragged that the small town where he grew up, Robbins, N.C., "is now half Latino."

And the worst one of all (IMO) Dennis Kucinich of Ohio

And Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (Ohio) said Spanish should become a second national language, a stance that Dodd and Richardson would not adopt.

At least some of the other candidates would no agree with this one. If you going to be a US citizen learn to speak english.


This message has been edited by BeWare on 09-10-2007 at 02:42 PM

warebearIf the Mexican or who ever wants to speak in Spanish or what ever language the want then they should get the h-ll out of America and go speak their language in there country
ETMIDZTBetter get ready to speak Chinese next!
Randy CobbJohn Edwards' statement is correct. His home county, Montgomery, is also over half Latino.
ed monahan
ed monahan

This is A/C's solution. Hopefully he can get the ear of the presidential hopefuls.

ed monahan

Give her a nudge Rudy. But hurry.

This message has been edited by ed monahan on 09-10-2007 at 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Randy Cobb:
John Edwards' statement is correct. His home county, Montgomery, is also over half Latino.

Any way of knowing what percent are illegal? I have no problem with legal immigrants. I have heard that because of North Carolina laws being so lenient that many illegals have migrated to there from other states such as Georgia.

Randy CobbRich:

I'm with you on legal immigrants.

Don't know about the legal vs. illegal #. Illegal problem is greater in rural counties.

Agriculture, manufacturing and construction jobs initially draw them.

The drivers license law is what is so lenient. Just have to show some proof of residency. Fake leases/electric bills can be obtained at Hispanic shops and convenience stores. Each license office is required to have a Spanish speaking examiner on duty, who often is a Hispanic. Get a license.....the floodgates of social programs kick in.

warebearThis is not all the time but I know of some legal immigrates that help house, hide, and get fake Id's for the illegal ones so they are just as bad as the illegal immigrates. I wouldnt go to mexico and expect the mexicans thier to speak English.

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